Compiled by Susan Orovitz
ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive actions; to model interfaith cooperation; and to break down barriers as we work together for justice, right relationships, an end to violence and care for the earth.
Tuesday–Saturday, November 1–10
Isaac Bashevis Singer and His Artists. The Jewish Federation of Central California and Temple Beth Israel invite you to attend a Yiddish Festival to celebrate Yiddish culture while viewing illustrations inspired by the writings of Singer. The artists on display include Maurice Sendak, Eric Carle and Roman Vishniac. Viewing hours: Tuesday–Friday 1 p.m.–5 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Closed Saturday and Monday.
Thursdays, November 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 • 7 p.m.–8 p.m.
Meditation. 7319 N. Fourth St. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. For more info, call 559-435-2212.
Fridays, November 2 & 16 (1st & 3rd Fridays) • 6:45 p.m.–8 p.m.
Meditation. Perfect Balance Yoga, 5091 N. Fresno St. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. For more info, call 559-435-2212.
Friday, November 2 • 7 p.m.–9 p.m.
Dances of Universal Peace. Sacred Circle Dances from Around the World. First Congregational Church, 2131 N. Van Ness Blvd.
Saturdays, November 3 & 17 (1st & 3rd Saturdays) • 10 a.m.–Noon
Bishop Steinbock Homeless Advocacy Committee. Bishop Scher Room, Diocese of Fresno Pastoral Center, 1550 N. Fresno St. For more info, contact Bill Simon at 559-227-6565 or bsimon6565@sbcglobal.net. Interfaith community is invited.
Saturday, November 3 • 1 p.m.
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative monthly meeting. Little Leaf Tea, 6011 N. Palm Ave. You need not RSVP. Come if you’d like to meet others engaged in faith-inspired social and environmental justice work. Our new meeting format will enable individuals of different faith traditions to meet and exchange ideas, share event flyers and support each other’s efforts to create a healthier, more loving and compassionate world. Informal meeting. Little Leaf Tea (www.littleleaftea.com) is an independently owned small business.
Saturday, November 3 • 3 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Women of Spirit—a gathering of women rediscovering their own spirituality and enabling others to do the same. 7319 N. Fourth St. Beginning and closing meditation, discussion and activity, light refreshments after closing. Free. Both men and women are welcome. For more info, call Veena Kapoor at 559-435–2212.
Saturday, November 3 • 7 p.m.–9 p.m.
Hot Coffee is the sixth film in the Fast Forward to Fall Film Festival. Unitarian Universalist Church, 2672 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis. The McDonald’s coffee case has been routinely cited by the media as an example of how citizens have taken advantage of the legal system. This documentary shows how and why the case became so popular in the media, including who funded the effort and to what end. Free. Wheelchair accessible. For more info, contact 559-291-1590 or ggrcalif@sbcglobal.net or visit www.uufresno.org.
Sundays, November 4, 11, 18 & 25 • 10 a.m.–11 a.m.
Meditation. 7319 N. Fourth St. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. For more info, call 559-435-2212.
Tuesdays, November 6, 13, 20 & 27 • 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Fresno River Zen group meeting. Unitarian Universalist Church, 2672 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis. Emphasis is on bringing peaceful actions from personal experience in meditation to healing the world. Teaching and practice in the spirit of the Suzuki Roshi Lineage is led by Grace Schireson, an ordained Zen priest. For more info, contact Grace at 559-877-2400 or grace@emptynestzendo.org.
Wednesdays, November 7, 14, 21 & 28 • 6:30 p.m.
California Interfaith Power and Light. College Community Congregational Church, 5550 N. Fresno St. For more info, call 559-435-2690.
Wednesdays, November 7, 14, 21 & 28 • 7 p.m.–8 p.m.
Meditation. St. Paul Newman Center, 1572 E. Barstow Ave. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. For more info, call 559-435-2212.
Wednesdays, November 7, 14, 21 & 28 • 7:30 p.m.
Taize Prayer. St. Paul Newman Center, 1572 E. Barstow Ave. For more info, call 559-436-3434.
Saturday, November 10 • 7 p.m.
Fresno Jewish Film Series: Yentl. Temple Beth Israel, 6622 N. Maroa Ave. Co-hosted by the Jewish Federation of Central California as part of the Isaac Bashevis Singer and His Arts exhibit. Informal discussion following the film in the social hall. Tickets $8. For more info, call 559-439-9638.
Sunday, November 18 • 3 p.m.–5 p.m.
World Meditation Day is observed to promote peace within oneself and harmony in the world. 7319 N. Fourth St. Program includes guided meditation followed by discussion and light refreshments. For more info, call Veena Kapoor at 559-435-2212.
Sunday, November 18 • TBA
Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving. For more info, visit www.interfaithalliancecc.org/.
Wednesday, November 28 • 7 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Basic Buddhism Class. Dharma Family Center, 2720 E. Alluvial Ave. Free. The basic teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha (the historical Buddha) will be taught. Many different Buddhist schools will be examined. For more info, call Rev. Kurt Rye at 559-442-4054.
Faith Resources
Interfaith Alliance of Central California: Learn more at www.interfaithalliancecc.org/.
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative: Click “Like” on this Facebook page to receive updates.
Interfaith Youth Alliance: Learn more at www.ifya-net.org.
Mental Health America–Central Valley: Learn more at www.mha-cv.org/ (for clergy and faith leaders).
Multifaith Calendar: Learn more at www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/multifaith-calendar/.
Multifaith Exchange: Learn more at http://fresnomultifaithexchange.org/.
Bishop John Steinbock Homeless Advocacy Committee: Learn more at www.dioceseoffresno.org/homeless.html (click on English or Spanish near the top for brochure on how to help the homeless).
List of Religious Holidays: Learn more at www.interfaithcalendar.org/2011.htm.
Susan Orovitz is the Community Alliance ISJC Faith Calendar coordinator and the ISJC e-mail coordinator. Contact her at sussieg@pacbell.net. (Send information for the Faith Calendar by the 14th of the prior month.)