The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Faith Calendar – Dec. 2012

The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Faith Calendar – Dec. 2012
Photo by Ryan Hyde via Flickr Creative Commons

Compiled by Susan Orovitz

ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive actions; to model interfaith cooperation; and to break down barriers as we work together for justice, right relationships, an end to violence and care for the earth.

Saturdays, December 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 7:25 a.m. (weekly)

Buddhist Radio Broadcast on KBIF 900 AM. Short Dharma talks in Japanese and English.

Saturday, December 1 7 p.m.–9 p.m.

I Am is the seventh and final film in the Fast Forward to Fall Film Festival. Unitarian Universalist Church, 2672 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis. Director Tom Shadyac made this life-affirming documentary after a serious bicycle accident left him questioning his Hollywood lifestyle, what’s wrong with our world and what can we do to make it better. I Am resonates beautifully with audiences looking for a smart and entertaining look at life themes that affect us all. Free. Wheelchair accessible. For more info, contact 559-291-1590 or or visit

Saturdays, December 1 & 15 10 a.m.–Noon (1st & 3rd Saturday)

Bishop Steinbock Homeless Advocacy Committee. Bishop Scher Room, Diocese of Fresno Pastoral Center, 1550 N. Fresno St. Interfaith community is invited. For more info, contact Bill Simon at 559-227-6565 or

Saturday, December 1 1 p.m. (1st Saturday)

Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative (ISJC) monthly meeting. Little Leaf Tea, 6011 N. Palm Ave. You need not RSVP. Just come if you’d like to meet others engaged in faith-inspired social and environmental justice work. Our new meeting format enables individuals of different faith traditions to meet and exchange ideas, share event flyers and support each other’s efforts to create a healthier, more loving and compassionate world. Informal meeting. Little Leaf Tea ( is an independently owned small business.

Saturday, December 1 3 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (1st Saturday)

Women of Spirit—a gathering of women rediscovering their own spirituality and enabling others to do the same. 7319 N. Fourth St. Beginning and closing meditation, discussion and activity, light refreshments after closing. Free. Both men and women are welcome. For more info, contact Veena Kapoor at 559-435-2212.

Sundays, December 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 10 a.m.–11 a.m. (weekly)

Weekly meditation. 7319 N. 4th St. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. For more info, call 559-435-2212.

Monday, December 3

Center for Buddhist Education presents “Buddhist Views of Life and Death” by Rev. Marvin Harada. CBE Buddhist Church, 360 Newmark Ave., Parlier. For time and more info, call 559-618-1528.

Tuesday, December 4 & 11 7 p.m.–8 p.m.

Dharma Q&A with Rev. Kakei Nakagawa. Fresno Dharma Center Classroom, 2690 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis. For more info, call 559-442-4054.

Tuesdays, December 4, 11, 18 & 25 10 a.m.–Noon (weekly)

Buddhist Cultural Class in Japanese by Rev. Sensho Inouye. Buddhist Church, 210 S. 9th St., Fowler. For more info, call 559-834-2077.

Tuesdays, December 4, 11, 18 & 25 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. (weekly)

Meeting of the Fresno River Zen group. Unitarian Universalist Church, 2672 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis. Emphasis is on bringing peaceful actions from personal experience in meditation to healing the world. Teaching and practice in the spirit of the Suzuki Roshi Lineage is led by Grace Schireson, an ordained Zen priest. For more info, contact Grace at 559-877-2400 or

Wednesdays, December 5, 12, 19 & 26 7 p.m.–8 p.m. (weekly)

Weekly meditation. St. Paul Newman Center, 1572 E. Barstow Ave. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. For more info, call 559-435-2212.

Wednesdays, December 5, 12, 19 & 26 7:30 p.m. (weekly)

Taize Prayer. St. Paul Newman Center, 1572 E. Barstow Ave. For more info, call 559-436-3434.

Thursday, December 6 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.

Metro Ministry 42nd Anniversary Awards Dinner. Hope Lutheran Church, 364 E. Barstow Ave. $40/person; $400/table of 10. Hosted wine bar, dinner, dessert. Music: Three Bags Full, local jazz ensemble. For more info, contact Chanel Ruiz-Mendez at 559-485-1416 or

Thursdays, December 6, 13, 20 & 27 7 p.m.–8 p.m. (weekly)

Weekly meditation. 7319 N. 4th St. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. For more info, call 559-435-2212.

Friday, December 7 & 21 6:45 p.m.–8 p.m. (1st & 3rd Friday)

Meditation. Perfect Balance Yoga, 5091 N. Fresno St. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. For more info, call 559-435-2212.

Friday, December 7 7 p.m.–9 p.m. (1st Friday)

Dances of Universal Peace: Sacred Circle Dances from Around the World. First Congregational Church, 2131 N. Van Ness Blvd.

Saturday, December 8 3 p.m.–5 p.m.

Human Rights Commemoration Day in Fresno. College Community Congregational Church, 5550 N. Fresno St. Interfaith leaders from our community will speak on human rights and environmental and social justice. Light refreshments. Free. Handicap accessible. For more info, contact Dr. Kapoor at 559-435-2212, Dr. Breedlove at 559-435-2690 or Ann Caruthers at 559-243-9390.

Fridays, December 14 & 21 7 p.m.–8 p.m.

Meditation for Beginners led by Rev. Kakei Nakagawa. Fresno Dharma Center Classroom, 2690 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis. For more info, call 559-442-4054.

Saturday, December 15 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

FIRM Christmas Party 2012. 1940 N. Fresno St. Celebrate “Light to the World!” with crafts, games and gifts for children from the families that FIRM serves, delicious cultural soups and carol singing in many languages for everyone. If you or your church can help provide gifts for children ages 0–12, or a children’s craft activity, call the FIRM office at 559-487-1500.

Sunday, December 16 1 p.m. (3rd Sunday)

Dharma talks in Japanese. Buddhist Church, 2035 15th St., Reedley. For more info, call 559-638-2146.

Sunday, December 16 3 p.m.–5 p.m. (3rd Sunday)

World Meditation Day is observed to promote peace within oneself and harmony in the world. 7319 N. Fourth St. Program includes guided meditation followed by discussion and light refreshments. For more info, call Veena Kapoor at 559-435-2212.

Wednesday, December 12 7 p.m.8:30 p.m. (2nd Wednesday)

Book Club discussions led by Curtis Koga. CBE Buddhist Church, 360 Newmark Ave., Parlier. For more info, call 559-618-1528.

Saturday, December 22 7 p.m.

Fresno Jewish Film Series: Salsa Tel Aviv. Temple Beth Israel, 6622 N. Maroa Ave. This musical romantic comedy abundant with vibrant humor and sensuality centers on Vicky, a talented Mexican salsa dancer and single mother who journeys to Israel in pursuit of her ex-husband in order to reunite her family. On the plane, she meets Yoni, a young Israeli scientist, who is on his way back to Israel to marry his rich girlfriend, Dafna. Vicki and Yoni are from completely different worlds as almost everything divides them: religion, culture and social class. Despite everything, they slowly develop a romance filled with passion, jealousy, misunderstandings and comical situations, resulting in a surprise twist ending. $8. For more info, call 559-439-9638.

Wednesday, December 26 7 p.m.–8:30 p.m.

Basic Buddhism Class. Dharma Family Center, 2720 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis. The basic teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha (the historical Buddha) will be taught, and many different Buddhist schools will be examined. Free. For more info, call Rev. Kurt Rye at 559-442-4054.

Faith Resources

Interfaith Alliance of Central California: Visit

Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative: Click “Like” on this Facebook page to receive updates.

Interfaith Youth Alliance: Visit

Mental Health America-Central Valley: Visit (information for clergy and faith leaders).

Multifaith Calendar: Visit

Multifaith Exchange: Visit

Bishop John Steinbock Homeless Advocacy Committee: (click on English or Spanish near the top for brochure on how to help the homeless)

All Religious Holidays: Visit


Susan Orovitz is the Community Alliance ISJC Faith Calendar coordinator and the ISJC e-mail coordinator. Contact her at (Send information for the Faith Calendar by the 14th of the prior month.)


  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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