Compiled by Susan Orovitz
ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive actions; to model interfaith cooperation and to break down barriers as we work together for justice, right relationships, an end to violence and care for the earth.
Wednesday, November 2 • 7 p.m.
The Jewish Federation of Central California presents Dr. Jonathan Spyer speaking on “Israel and the Arab Spring.” Spyer immigrated to Israel from Britain in 1991. He is a senior research fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs Center in Herzliya, Israel; a columnist at the Jerusalem Post newspaper; and the author of The Transforming Fire: The Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict. Admission free. Temple Beth Israel, 6622 N. Maroa Ave. For more info, contact 559-432-2162 or tbifresno.info@sbcglobal.net.
Saturday, November 5 • 1 p.m.
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative (ISJC) monthly meeting at the Revue Café, 620 E. Olive Ave. Look for an “ISJC” sign on a table in the middle or back section. Please come if you’d like to meet others engaged in faith-inspired social and environmental justice work. Our new informal meeting format will enable individuals of different faith traditions to meet and exchange ideas, share event flyers and support each other’s efforts to create a healthier, more loving and compassionate world.
Saturday, November 5 • 7 p.m.
The Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno presents the film Inside Job in the sanctuary of the UU Church, 2672 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis. This film exposes the truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of more than $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Inside Job traces the rise of a financial industry gone rogue. Admission free. An open, facilitated discussion led by Dr. Robert Merrill, professor emeritus at CSUF, follows each film. Wheelchair accessible. For more info, contact ggrcalif@sbcglobal.net or 559-291-1590 or visit uufresno.org.
Sunday, November 6 • 11 a.m.‒3 p.m.
Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno invites the community to join local Muslims in the 2011 ICCF Eid Carnival in celebration of Eid Al-Adha or Feast of the Sacrifice. Food, rides and games. Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno2111 E. Nees Ave.
Sunday, November 6 • 5 p.m.
Fresno Jewish Day School’s Annual Taste of Fall Fundraiser. Temple Beth Israel, 6622 N. Maroa Ave. Call 447-1984 to reserve tickets. For more info, contact 559-432-3600 or tbifresno.info@sbcglobal.net.
Saturday, November 19 • 11 a.m.
“Peace in the Middle East: How and When?” Fresno Temple of Praise Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 4718 E. Yale Ave. Contact Victor Fernando Magana at victorena2005@sbcglobal.net.
Sunday, November 20 • 3 p.m.‒5 p.m.
Fresno Multifaith Exchange—Christianity. Fresno West Stake Center, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 3375 W. Sierra Ave. (enter the northeast side of the building to the north, not the temple to the south).
Interfaith Alliance of Central California: To receive monthly e-mails, contact IACC secretary Janett Freeman at revnette@gmail.com
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative: Click “Like” on our Facebook page and you will receive updates.
Interfaith Youth Alliance: Learn more at www.ifya-net.org.
Multifaith Exchange: Visit http://fresnomultifaithexchange.org/.
List of Religious Holidays: Visit www.interfaithcalendar.org/2011.htm.
What To Do in a Mental Health Crisis: A Guide for Family, Friends & Law Enforcement: Clergy and faith leaders are increasingly finding themselves in the role of “first responder” to a mental health crisis. This free brochure offers practical information designed to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being during and after a mental health emergency. For a reproducible copy, e-mail davew@mha-cv.org. Published in 2010 by Mental Health America of the Central Valley.
Susan Orovitz is the Community Alliance ISJC Faith Calendar coordinator and the ISJC e-mail coordinator. Contact her at sussieg@pacbell.net.