ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive actions; to model interfaith cooperation and to break down barriers as we work together for justice, right relationships, an end to violence and care for the earth.
Sunday, May 8, May 22 & June 12 • 6 p.m.–8 p.m.
Six sessions (three already completed) of the ISJC Peace Circles at the Universalist Unitarian Church, 2672 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis. Come to this group to share your passion for peace and justice. To sign up, e-mail sussieg@pacbell.net.
Sunday, May 1 • 1:30 p.m.
The Central California District Council of the Japanese American Citizens League presents a one-act opera, The Sisters of Manzanar, at the Warnors Center for the Performing Arts, 1400 Fulton St. Proceeds will benefit the Fresno Assembly Center Memorial to honor the sacrifices of the Central Valley Japanese Americans interned at the Fresno County Fairgrounds during World War II. The benefit will also feature a keynote discussion with actor George Takei, participation from opera composer Paul Stuart, a performance by the Clovis Heiwa Taiko Drummers and a VIP reception with the artists and celebrities. Tickets are $30 for opera general seating or $45 for opera preferred seating plus the VIP reception and can be purchased at www.brownpapertickets.com. For more info, call 559-225-6737 or visit www.calopera.org.
Thursday, May 5 • 7 p.m.–8 p.m. (service)
National Day of Prayer at the Sikh Temple, 3185 Highland Ave., Selma. For more info, call Natalie Chamberlain of the United Christian Church at 559-227-2050.
Saturday, May 7 • 7 p.m.
Fresno Jewish Film Series: A Matter of Size (the 8th segment of A Touch Away) is a comedy about a “coming out” of a different kind—overweight people learning to accept themselves. Temple Beth Israel, 6622 N. Maroa Ave.
Sunday, May 15 • 3 p.m.–5 p.m.
The Multifaith Exchange will study Judaism at Temple Beth Israel, 6622 N. Maroa Ave. Learn more about this tradition. For more info, visit http://fresnomultifaithexchange.org.
Sunday, May 22
SanctuaryHop will attend services at the Sikh Gurdwara, 3185 Highland Ave., Selma. For more info, e-mail sussieg@pacbell.net.
Friday–Sunday, May 27–29
Interfaith Youth Alliance (IFYA) Leadership Camp for youth ages 15–17. Leadership Education Advancing Democracy and Diversity is a program of the Washington, D.C.–based Interfaith Alliance Foundation. The camp will focus on the U.S. Constitution, the free exercise and establishment clause of the First Amendment and religious liberty. Thirty students will be selected representing diverse religious communities, gender and race. To apply or to sponsor a student, visit www.ifya.org.
Interfaith Alliance of Central California: To receive monthly e-mails, contact IACC secretary Janett Freeman at revnette@gmail.com.
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative: For Facebook users, click “Like” on this Facebook page and you will receive updates.
Interfaith Youth Alliance: Learn more at www.ifya.org.
Multifaith Exchange: Learn more at http://fresnomultifaithexchange.org/.
Listing of All Religious Holidays: Visit www.interfaithcalendar.org/2011.htm.
What To Do in a Mental Health Crisis: A Guide for Family, Friends & Law Enforcement: Clergy and faith leaders are increasingly finding themselves in the role of “first responder” to a mental health crisis. This free brochure offers practical information designed to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being during and after a mental health emergency. For a reproducible copy in a .pdf format, e-mail davew@mha-cv.org. Published in 2010 by Mental Health America of the Central Valley.