ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive actions; to model interfaith cooperation and to break down barriers as we work together for justice, right relationships, an end to violence and care for the earth.
Tuesday, March 1
The first sponsored event of the newly recognized California State University, Fresno student organization the Jewish Studies Association will be held in AG 109. Paul Buhle, Senior Lecturer, History and American Civilization (emeritus), Brown University, will be speaking on “Jews and American Comic Books.” Comic masters such as Will Eisner, a pioneering graphic novelist; Art Spiegleman, author of the award-winning Maus, which depicts his parents’ experiences during the Holocaust; and underground comix artists Harvey Pekar and Aline Kominsky-Crumb all happen to be Jewish. Yet these individuals are among the many Jewish Americans who played a significant role in creating the American comic art form. From Yiddish-language newspaper comic strips of the early 20th century that commented on immigrant life, through the mid-century creation of comic book heroes like Superman, to the underground comics of the 1960s, and the graphic novelists of the 21st century, Jewish Americans have created comics enjoyed by wide and diverse American audiences for over a century. Paul Buhle is the author of over thirty books on American history, popular culture, and Jewish American studies. For further information, contact JSA advisor Jill Fields, Ph.D., Professor of History, California State University, Fresno. 559-278-5414; jfields@csufresno.edu.
Thursday March 3
Interfaith Alliance of Central California Board meeting at the Unitarian Universalist Church. ALL INVITED. 2672 E. AlluvialClovis, CA 93611 Contact Rev. Natalie Chamberlain if there is an issue that you think the IACC needs to address. If the IACC can help you or your community address an issue, let us know. We have a number of individuals who can be available to speak to your organization. ncchamberlain@yahoo.com, http://www.interfaithalliancecc.org/
Friday, March 4
Jewish Federation of Central California presents Shlomit Daniel at Temple Beth Israel. Shlomit Daniel is currently a special education teacher at the Solomon Schecter Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy in Woodbrige, CT. She also teaches Hebrew at the Slifka Center, Yale University. Born in a small Jewish village in Gonder, Ethiopia, she migrated to Israel as part of Operation Solomon, which rescued the Ethiopian Jewish community in 1991. She arrived in Israel as a 13 year old and became the first person in her family to learn Hebrew. She attended Kaduri High School becoming the first Ethiopian student of this renowned institution. After completing her high school studies, she then served in the IDF becoming one of first female officers of Ethiopian origin. Upon completing three years of military service, she attended Hebrew University and then went on to the David Yellen Teachers College in Jeruslem, to focus her studies on special education. Shlomit moved to the United States in 2002 and lives in New Haven, CT. where she teaches.
Saturday, March 5
1 – 3 p.m.
Pink Smoke Over the Vatican. This documentary film is about the controversial movement of women seeking ordination in the Roman Catholic Church. This will be the first screening of this award winning film in Fresno. Immediately following the film stay for a Q&A with producer/director Jules Hart. The showing will take place at the Oneness Center, 1752 E Bullard #106, Fresno 93710 (N.W corner of Bullard & Cedar). Suggested donation $10. For more information call 281-4754. Womanspirit Rising is sponsoring this free showing. womanspiritrisingfresno@gmail.com
Sunday March 13
10 AM to 4PM
Rabbi Tsvi Bar-David, director of Kesher LaMakom (connecting to the Place), will be teaching an all-day workshop in Fresno on Finding your Sacred Purpose on the Planet, based upon the Four Worlds of consciousness: Atzilut (sacred purpose), Bri’ah (principles and values), Yetzirah (emotional wire-up), Asiyyah (physical world of doing your purpose).
Cost to those who pre-register is $75, $100 at the door. Work scholarships available. For pre-registrants, there is a potluck Shabbat dinner with a teaching on Friday evening, March 11. Details: tsvi@bardavid.net, p: 415-806-2363.
Sun. Mar. 20
3 to 5 p.m.
Multifaith Exchange is studying Hinduism at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, 1425 West Pine Avenue, Fresno (between McKinley and Olive Avenues – take N. Golden State Blvd and turn west on W. Pine.) Enter in the rear of building. Please remove shoes before entering the Mandir. Come and learn more about this tradition. http://fresnomultifaithexchange.org
Friday, March 25
7:00 – 8:30 PM
A Night of Classical Indian Melodies presenting Neelamjit Dhillon & Craig Phillips at the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO, 2672 E. Alluvial Avenue / Clovis , CA 93611 (between Chestnut & Willow) $20/person. Reserve your seat now! Purchase online www.ifya.org or call 559-244-9360
A benefit for the Interfaith Youth Alliance’s Outreach Programs Kamal Abu-Shamsieh (559) 244-9360 shamsieh@sbcglobal.net
Sunday, March 27
(Let’s meet at 9:45am to enjoy refreshements and hopefully sit together) SanctuaryHop will attend services at “The River Church” 4450 N. Brawley Suite 111. Dress attire is very casual, jeans are fine. For more info. contact sussieg@pacbell.net
Sunday, March 27 (March 27, April 10, April 17, May 8, May 22, June 12)
6 – 8 PM
Six sessions of the Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Peace Circles at The UU Church – 2672 E. Alluvial – Clovis, CA 93611 (Between Chestnut and Willow).
Come to this group to: share your passion for peace and justice, listen to people from different religions and cultures do the same, deepen your own commitments, develop a deeper appreciation of things that bind us together and a deeper understanding of things that make us different from one another, help grow the energy for collaboration for peace and justice in our area. To sign up call Bryan Jessup at 322-6146 or email Susan Orovitz at sussieg@pacbell.net
Sunday, April 10
12:30pm – 2:45pm.
Temple Beth Israel Religious School Family Fundraiser! Featuring Klezmer music by FREZMORIM, The TBI Religious School is having a special Family Fundraiser in the Social Hall. You will enjoy the distinctive and traditional Klezmer melodies from this local Fresno ensemble. Bring your children to meet the musicians and hear the special Klezmer sounds of each individual instrument arranged just for them. Enjoy dancing Israeli Dances to the Klezmer music. During intermission there will be an afternoon Oneg/snacks for all to enjoy. Reservations can be made in advanced by mail or by phone at the Temple office at 432-3600 or at the door on April 10th. Admission price is $10 for adults, $5 for children or $20 for the entire family. Come support the Religious School, hear good music and have a fun afternoon with your family.
Friday, April 15
5:30 p.m.
Cineculture presents My Name is Khan (2010) with discussant Forouz Radnejad at CSU-Fresno McLane Hall 121. Directed by Karan Johar. Rizwan Khan (Shahrukh Khan), a Muslim man with Asperger syndrome, lives happily with his wife, Mandira (Kajol), in San Francisco until a tragedy drives her away after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Now he is on a quest to recapture the heart of the woman he loves. Traveling across America, Rizwan faces prejudice because of his religion and unusual behavior, but he also inspires the people he meets with his unique outlook on life. Rated PG-13, in Hindi with English subtitles, 161 minutes. http://www.mynameiskhanthefilm.com/
Sun. Apr. 17
3 to 5 p.m.
Multifaith Exchange will be studying Buddhism at the Fresno Buddhist Temple Family Dharma Center2720 E. Alluvial, Clovis (between Chestnut and Willow). Come and learn more about this tradition. http://fresnomultifaithexchange.org
Sunday, April 24
SanctuaryHop will be attending services at the Fresno Buddhist Temple. For more information contact sussieg@pacbell.net
Sun. May 15
3 to 5 p.m.
Multifaith Exchange will study Judaism at Temple Beth Israel 6622 N. Maroa (East side of street, S. of Herndon). Come and learn more about this tradition. http://fresnomultifaithexchange.org
Interfaith Alliance of Central California: To receive monthly emails, contact IACC secretary Janett Freeman at revnette@gmail.com
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative: For Facebook users, click “Like” on this facebook page and you will receive updates.
Interfaith Youth Alliance: Learn more at www.ifya-net.org.
Multifaith Exchange: http://fresnomultifaithexchange.org/
What To Do in a Mental Health Crisis: A Guide for Family, Friends & Law Enforcement: Clergy and faith leaders are increasingly finding themselves in the role of “first responder” to a mental health crisis. This free, threefold brochure offers practical information designed to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being during and after a mental health emergency. For a reproducible copy in a PDF format, e-mail davew@mha-cv.org. Published in 2010 by Mental Health America of the Central Valley.e-mail coordinator. Contact her at sussieg@pacbell.net.