By Jesse C. Gonzales “In Texas, they lynch negroes.” This line from The Great Debaters, delivered by James Farmer Jr., sends a clear message of a practice from a period in time that forever remains [...] Continue Reading
Social Justice
Income Inequality
By George B. Kauffman Income inequality, both globally in general and in the United States in particular, has been receiving increasingly accelerating attention recently as the disadvantaged 1% [...] Continue Reading
Charlie’s Story Part II
By Grid Margraf Charlie picked up the 10 of spades. I bounced a rolled smoke off his chest, rolled one for myself and lit them both. I got comfortable again sitting at the end of the bed leaning [...] Continue Reading
The Prison Press: San Quentin Prison Report: Communication via Incarceration – July 2014
By Boston Woodard “True public safety will be achieved by freeing minds, not restricting bodies.” —Troy Williams Prison walls work both ways; they not only keep prisoners from society but also [...] Continue Reading
About the Cover: The Personal Is Political
By Ernesto Saavedra Arts and culture have always played a critical role in shifting the mind-set of the masses in a way that crosses all barriers. That visual aspect of the movement brings the [...] Continue Reading
The Prison Press: Death Row: A Different Perspective
By Boston Woodard I wasn’t sentenced to death before coming to prison, but wound up on death row, not literally where I would eventually be executed via California’s state-sanctioned death penalty [...] Continue Reading
Charlie’s Story Part I
By Grid Margraf The place reeked of cigarettes; everyone smoked. There was no ventilation, not even windows in the concrete walls. This was Nevada County Jail, 1984, and windows like doors were a [...] Continue Reading
Mothers Helping Mothers: When There’s a Need We Must Act
By Gloria Hernandez with Rosemary Moreno and Irene Serrano (Editor’s note: Back in the early 1990s, there were a lot of droughts that disproportionately affected a lot of the campesina/o communities, [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor – May 2014
“Wild West” Justice in Fresno Recently, my dear friend, Michael R. Stauff, was murdered in the Fresno jail. He had be held there for over a year without a conviction or even a day in court. [...] Continue Reading
A Student’s Voice Heard
By Cheyann Wakefield As a senior at Fresno High, I look forward to what my future holds and I reflect on my experience as a Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) student. I think about what I’ve been [...] Continue Reading
Imagine a Better California: Vote Green Party
By Richard Gomez “Imagine a California where there is no more poverty, no more failing prison system, no more poisoning of our eco-system, free healthcare for all, free quality education and art, [...] Continue Reading
The Prison Press: Power Players Visit San Quentin
By Boston Woodard On a quiet night in San Quentin, you can hear the sounds of rehabilitation in progress coming from the small arts room on the upper yard. And, from time to time, you will meet [...] Continue Reading