Social Justice

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Freedom According to the Zapatistas

By Patricia Wells Solorzano (Author’s note: In August 2013, after years of little news from the Zapatistas, the Escuelitas Zapatistas (little schools) took place in Zapatista territory. Some people [...] Continue Reading

Charlie’s Story Part III

By Grid Margraf (Editor’s note: This is the third and final installment of “Charlie’s Story,” which details Margraf’s interaction with Charlie, a Vietnam veteran who shot up a sheriff’s office as a [...] Continue Reading

Stop the Slaughter

By Ernesto Saavedra It’s June 16, 4 p.m., I’m on my bike and I’m running late. I’m pedaling like I’ve never pedaled before, ignoring my aching thighs and sweat in my eyes. I get a rush as I approach, [...] Continue Reading

The Problem in Kingsburg

By Jesse C. Gonzales “In Texas, they lynch negroes.” This line from The Great Debaters, delivered by James Farmer Jr., sends a clear message of a practice from a period in time that forever remains [...] Continue Reading

Income Inequality

By George B. Kauffman Income inequality, both globally in general and in the United States in particular, has been receiving increasingly accelerating attention recently as the disadvantaged 1% [...] Continue Reading

Charlie’s Story Part II

By Grid Margraf Charlie picked up the 10 of spades. I bounced a rolled smoke off his chest, rolled one for myself and lit them both. I got comfortable again sitting at the end of the bed leaning [...] Continue Reading

Charlie’s Story Part I

By Grid Margraf The place reeked of cigarettes; everyone smoked. There was no ventilation, not even windows in the concrete walls. This was Nevada County Jail, 1984, and windows like doors were a [...] Continue Reading