Social Justice

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From the Editor – May 2017

By Hannah Brandt On April 9, we held our annual fundraiser. This year’s theme was Growing Community Alliance. Here is the editor’s update I presented that night. Thank you all for coming! It’s so [...] Continue Reading

Kids Rally for Equality

  Kiera Kaiser, an 11-year-old, organized the Kids Rally for Equality on March 11 at the Fresno City Hall so youth could speak their minds on why equality is important to them. Kids and teens [...] Continue Reading

Working from the “Grassroots Up”

By David Derby My wife and I witnessed something during the first week of the Trump administration that sent us reeling with outrage as we witnessed an evil that some say had constituted the most [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – February 2017

By Hannah Brandt January felt like a tornado hit. In the storm, Barack Obama became the former president, Donald Trump became the current president, and the country commemorated the life of Martin [...] Continue Reading

Police Violence Is Brutal Repression

By King David “The public execution has a juridical-political function. Its aim is not so much to reestablish a balance of justice as to bring into play, as its extreme point, the dissymmetry between [...] Continue Reading