Social Justice

By Month

By Category

Surviving Injustice

Douglas “Chief” Stankewitz, the Monache man from Big Sandy Rancheria (Fresno County), has never wavered in his fight for freedom. Sentenced to death in October 1978, Stankewitz has lived through five [...] Continue Reading

Day of Remembrance

It was an historically ironic location for the Japanese American Citizens League’s annual Day of Remembrance—the Fresno Fairgrounds, where thousands of American citizens were held for months living in [...] Continue Reading

United Against Hate

California Attorney General Rob Bonta will be the keynote speaker on April 6 at the United Against Hate forum at Fresno City College. “We must stand united against hate and do our part to prevent [...] Continue Reading

Lest We Forget

The need for a Black History Month (February) and likewise a Women’s History Month (March) is not that we forget, but that all too often the stories of these groups are unknown, having been ignored in [...] Continue Reading

Law and Order

Watching the assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and the subsequent Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutions and imprisonment or fines of those involved in the criminal activity that left five [...] Continue Reading

LGBTQ Derangement Syndrome

Recently, I went to my mailbox and found a sticker that said “God Hates Fags.” What would drive someone to plaster that kind of message? Is that a way to win converts? No. It’s a way to spread fear [...] Continue Reading

Día del Recuerdo

Fue un lugar históricamente irónico para el “Día del Recuerdo” anual de la Liga de Ciudadanos Americano-Japoneses: el recinto de la feria de Fresno, donde miles de ciudadanos estadounidenses de origen [...] Continue Reading

MLK March in Fresno

On Jan. 15, hundreds marched in downtown Fresno in celebration of what would have been Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 95th birthday. It was the 40th march in the city’s history, put on by Fresno’s Unity [...] Continue Reading