Social Justice

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Dolores Huerta: Tribute to Greatness

By Sudarshan Kapoor On Oct. 2, Fresno State celebrated the 90th birthday of Dolores Huerta (official birthday April 10 ) by planting a peace tree in her honor in the Peace Garden. Dr. Joseph I. [...] Continue Reading

In the Line of Fresno Fire

I. smiley G. Calderon With the recent wildfires blazing around and a pandemic raging within Fresno, you would think that the sanctity of life would be forefront in every Fresnan’s mind. But, [...] Continue Reading

How We Can End Homelessness

By Mike Rhodes With homelessness increasing in Fresno for the past several years, it is obvious that whatever we are doing, it is not ending homelessness. There are many organizations (West Care, [...] Continue Reading

Who Dies and Who Cares

By Leni Villagomez Reeves  When Covid-19 began to cause illness and death in the United States, initially people in general perceived themselves as being at risk. They behaved in ways that [...] Continue Reading

Graciela Martinez —Presente!

By Daniel O’Connell Love cannot be contained, which is why it is revolutionary. Few lived this truth more than Graciela Martinez, a pure soul and ferocious activist, especially for farmworkers, [...] Continue Reading