Social Justice

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Hands Off the Uhuru 3!

Jesse Nevel of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement was the interviewee on the June 12 episode of the Fresno Center for Nonviolence–sponsored Stir It Up on KFCF 88.1 FM. He discussed just the movement itself [...] Continue Reading

Stop the Hate Day in Fresno

The City of Fresno declared today (June 7) as the initial Stop the Hate Day. In recognition of the Stop the Hate coalition’s work, City Council President Annalisa Perea, Mayor Jerry Dyer, Fresno [...] Continue Reading

Hate Speech and Crimes

Genocide and mass atrocities are commonly preceded and accompanied by “dangerous speech”—hate speech that has the potential to influence people to accept, condone or commit violence against targeted [...] Continue Reading

Letter to the Editor

Not Rocket Science The solution to the immigration problem, if we really want to solve it, is not rocket science. If the immigration problem is caused by political and economic oppression in other [...] Continue Reading

The Guillotine of Our Time

On May 6, some of the most influential and wealthy individuals of our country gathered in front of cameras, making their way past protestors and up red carpeted stairs to flaunt their opulence in [...] Continue Reading

Nu’u Yavi: Oaxacan Food Fest

In the past 20 or so years, the cultural presence of Oaxaca in the San Joaquin Valley has become increasingly evident, particularly in Madera and Arvin (Kern County). Thousands of farmworkers have [...] Continue Reading

Searching for Lost Kinjo

It has always been known in Fresno as Chinatown, or the West Side, or the Other Side of the Tracks. But the fading facades of old buildings hide a rich history. If those old walls could talk, they [...] Continue Reading