Science & Health

By Month

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The Point in Time of Smoke and Mirrors

By Ernesto Saavedra On June 15, near Church and Maple in Fresno, the bus Feliciano Franco was living in went up in flames burning him alive. He was homeless and living in the bus with permission from [...] Continue Reading

Freedom School A Positive Outlet

By Reverend Dr. Floyd D. Harris, Jr. It’s the dawning of a Saturday morning. Despite the forecast of triple-digit summer heat, young men and women have gathered anxiously awaiting their chance to [...] Continue Reading

Environmental Justice Bus Tour

By Ernesto Saavedra On May 12, the Fresno Environmental Reporting Network (FERN) hosted an Environmental Justice Bus Tour. This was for various nonprofit and government agencies to gain and share [...] Continue Reading

Take Action on Climate Change

By Connie Young When is the last time that you allowed yourself to use the terms climate change and hope in the same sentence in your thoughts, let alone say them aloud? Most people are more likely [...] Continue Reading