By David E. Roy Probably the most religious statement I could make today (shortly after the election) is, “Thank God it’s over!” Agnostics and atheists are free to substitute “goodness” if they [...] Continue Reading
Religion & Philosophy
The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Faith Calendar – Dec. 2012
Compiled by Susan Orovitz ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive [...] Continue Reading
Next Generation
By Richard Stone (Author’s note: The following is an excerpt from the book Incarnation: Coming to Life in Mind and Body.) A person-to-person encounter takes place, and the gist of it is magically [...] Continue Reading
God I Believe Would Appreciate That
By Leonard Adame People will mail cards wishing one another a warm and bountiful Christmas. They will say “Merry Christmas” in dozens of ways on their minutely decorated cards. They will wrap their [...] Continue Reading
The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Faith Calendar – November 2012
Compiled by Susan Orovitz ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive [...] Continue Reading
The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Faith Calendar – Oct. 2012
Compiled by Susan Orovitz Tuesday, October 2–Saturday, November 10 Isaac Bashevis Singer and His Artists. The Jewish Federation of Central California and Temple Beth Israel invite you to attend a [...] Continue Reading
Progressive Religion…Is Not an Oxymoron, Oct. 2012: “Incommensurable”? Really, Now, Do You Have to Say This Out Loud?
By David E. Roy For those who like to keep track of anniversaries (take note all who are not romantic), this year is the 50th anniversary of Thomas Kuhn’s groundbreaking book, The Structure of [...] Continue Reading
The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Faith Calendar – September 2012
Compiled by Susan Orovitz Saturday, September 1 (1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month) 10:00am-12:00 Noon Bishop Steinbock Homeless Advocacy Committee in the Bishop Scher Room at the Diocese of [...] Continue Reading
The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Faith Calendar
Compiled by Susan Orovitz ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive [...] Continue Reading
The Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Faith Calendar
Compiled by Susan Orovitz ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive [...] Continue Reading
Can They Say That?
By Richard Stone A panel discussion on “Media Responsibility, Ethics and Civility” will be held on Oct. 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Peters Education Center adjacent to the Save-Mart Center on the [...] Continue Reading
Progressive Religion…Is Not an Oxymoron: Sound Bites
By David E. Roy Author’s note: The “progressive religion” in this column is more implicit and belongs under the social justice expression of many of the world’s religions. In Christianity, [...] Continue Reading