Fresno is becoming the foremost violator of human rights in California, even after losing a federal court battle in July 2008 at the cost of $2.35 million because of violating the constitutional [...] Continue Reading
Satan’s Heat Is on Its Way
I can feel it in wisps, in the breaks of the breeze, on my collar and shoulders when I walk into the sunlight beating down on the areas that were formerly streets before the Fresno Mall was born. But [...] Continue Reading
Video Remix Festival in January
“Oil and War” will be the theme of a first-of-its-kind Critical Remix Festival. The festival and gallery opening will take place January 6, 2011, at 5 p.m. at Gallery 25 (660 Van Ness Ave.) in [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
A Green Election Wrap-Up By Richard Gomez In California, voters were angry at Democrats and Republicans. As of this writing, votes are unconfirmed, but current results show strong support for the [...] Continue Reading
Support the DREAM Act Rally in Fresno
Hundreds of students and community activists held a rally on November 19 at Fresno State University in support of the DREAM Act. The rally was prompted by media reports that the Associated Student [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
The City of Fresno has abandoned the homeless who live in tents on the sidewalks near the Poverello House. Trash was allowed to pile so high last month (see photo) that it began attracting rats and [...] Continue Reading
Progressive News Briefs
The Art of Dumpster Diving Explored By Richard Stone The video Dive (to be shown November 10 at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence at noon and 7 p.m.) turns attention to another stupidity of corporate [...] Continue Reading
Citizen Action for Palestinian Human and Civil Rights: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
The U.S. government is currently engaged in perpetuating the charade of pseudo negotiations, known by some as the “piece” process, where more and more pieces of Palestine are taken by the Israelis. [...] Continue Reading
Police Auditor’s Report Faults Fresno Police Department for Its Handling of Citizen Complaints
Fresno’s first attempt at civilian oversight of the police is not yet a year old, so perhaps it is too soon to make any definitive judgments about its effectiveness. The Office of Independent Review [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
Defunding Public Education: An Arresting Development By Tim Young Americans are facing the largest economic crisis since the Great Depression. States like California have responded by pulling the [...] Continue Reading
Carlos Alvarez: Socialist Candidate for Governor
Last month, I had the opportunity to talk with Carlos Alvarez, the Peace and Freedom Party candidate for governor. He was in Fresno the same day Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman held their debate at Fresno [...] Continue Reading
Craig Scharton: Fresno’s Downtown Development Czar Talks to the Community Alliance
We printed an interview with three members of Southwest Fresno H.E.A.T. in last month’s issue of the Community Alliance newspaper. In that interview, the organizers raised concerns about high density [...] Continue Reading