
By Month

By Category

Defend Immigrant Rights!

On Saturday, September 11, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the Central Valley Immigrant Rights Movement Summit will be held at the offices of SEIU Local 1000, 1551 East Shaw Avenue. The summit is being [...] Continue Reading

How to End Wars

Around the United States, peace groups are engaged in effective campaigns against proposed new military installations, local funding of weapons companies, and the routine destruction of the [...] Continue Reading

Grassroots Profile

I forgot to ask this month's subject, Ernesto Saavedra, if he was named after Che. Even if his parents didn't think of it, it would have been appropriate. For this Ernesto is a 24/7 organizer of [...] Continue Reading

Mr. Limbaugh and My Primal Rush

Progressive Religion Is Not an Oxymoron Columnist’s note: Although the following article is not about religion or religious practices in any direct way, it is about something of deep concern, even [...] Continue Reading

A Major Pollutant Goes Unregulated

Nearly three decades ago, federal scientists discovered the cause of a massive die-off of fish and birds at the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge in Merced County, 10 miles north of Los Banos. [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

The Community Alliance newspaper has been at the forefront of defending homeless people's rights and exposing the City of Fresno's harsh and callous policies regarding the homeless. Our documentation [...] Continue Reading