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Q&A: In Conversation with Abby Dees

Q&A: In Conversation with Abby Dees, Author of Queer Questions, Straight Answers: 108 Frank and Provocative Questions It’s OK to Ask Your Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual Loved One I’d been planning to [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Last month, president Barack Obama and the corporate media cheerfully announced the end of the war in Iraq. The progressive and antiwar movement rejects this declaration and has concerns about the [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

City Gives Homeless the Bum’s Rush The City of Fresno is able to create the illusion, through its capable public relations team, that it is working hard to end homelessness. It has even convinced [...] Continue Reading

WikiLeaks’ Afghan War Diary

Wikileaks.org has done it again, publishing thousands of classified documents about the U.S. war in Afghanistan. The Web site provides a secure platform for whistle-blowers to deliver documents, [...] Continue Reading

Where Was the Proof?

Prior to the March 2003 assault on Iraq, there never was real proof that Saddam/Iraq had serious, deployable weapons of mass destruction (WMD)—the type of proof that was given to the American public [...] Continue Reading

Information Is Power

By Paul Boden It is hard to cut through the never-ending news cycles that bombard us daily to deliver a message. If your organization lacks resources and political clout, it becomes even harder. If [...] Continue Reading