
By Month

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Chale con la guerra! Stop the War!

On August 29, 1970, thousands of Chicanos marched in Los Angeles to protest and demand an end to the war in Vietnam. It would be the first major upheaval of the Chicano community against U.S. [...] Continue Reading

“Stop the Machine!” Protest

October 6, 2011, will be a day to remember. Inspired by the courageous, nonviolent uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Greece, Spain and Wisconsin, progressive leaders in the United States [...] Continue Reading

Democratic Training Comes to Fresno

The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee (FCDCC) and the California Democratic Council (CDC) are sponsoring a Democratic Leadership Training. This full day of intense training includes a variety [...] Continue Reading

Walmart Expanding at Our Expense

“If I think too much about all of those Chinese factories where all the stuff in a Wal-Mart is made, I get that woozy feeling you get when you see ducks covered in crude oil.” —Douglas [...] Continue Reading

DUI Checkpoints: What’s the Agenda?

  When you think of DUI checkpoints, you might imagine drunken drivers justly being taken off the road. However, a closer look at the actual practices of the Fresno Police Department (FPD) and [...] Continue Reading