No local Republican elected officials have denounced Donald Trump, his violent political movement or the MAGA takeover of the GOP. This means every Republican office holder—from the mayor and [...] Continue Reading
Es Hora de Ejercer el Derecho al Voto
El 2024 será un año histórico para la democracia a nivel global. De acuerdo a la organización chequeando, este año será, por curiosa coincidencia, un año electoral para cerca de cien países que [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
Change Needed at Board of Supervisors The Fresno County Board of Supervisors continues to run the county as if it’s their domain, with an unapologetic arrogance and a backward ideology. Their [...] Continue Reading
Endorsements Take Courage, Too
When Esmeralda Soria ran unsuccessfully for Congress four years ago, the folks at Courage California, formerly Courage Campaign, heartily endorsed her as part of a slate of progressives, a California [...] Continue Reading
Madera Passes a Gaza Ceasefire Resolution
(Editor’s note: The following story is printed with permission of the Central Valley Journalism Collaborative.) The City of Madera is the first in the San Joaquin Valley to support a [...] Continue Reading
Peace Is Possible, Ethical Behavior Is Possible
During more than 52 years, various right-wing governments of Colombia and revolutionary forces, including the FARC and the ELN, maintained a state of war. In 2012, formal negotiations for a peace [...] Continue Reading
Central Valley Progressive PAC Sponsored Page
March 2024 You can read the print version of the Central Valley Progressive PAC Sponsored Page below. [...] Continue Reading
Madera Aprueba Resolución de Alto al Fuego en Gaza
(Nota del editor: la siguiente historia se imprime con permiso de Central Valley Journalism Collaborative). La ciudad de Madera es la primera en el Valle de San Joaquín que apoya un alto al fuego [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
Biden and His Political Suicide The 2024 elections will be crucial for the political and social stability of the country. If Trump wins, we will head toward a de facto dictatorship and a [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Stop Killing People With Our Tax Money I recently sent a note to Rep. Jim Costa about the bombardment in the Middle East—not a “war” when one side is bombing the shit out of the other side, [...] Continue Reading
CVLRT Endorses Republican for Congress
On Dec. 9, 2023, the Central Valley Leadership Round Table (CVLRT) met in Firebaugh to interview candidates for California’s 13th Congressional District, which includes parts of Merced, Madera, [...] Continue Reading