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A Mystery to Me

Try as I might I cannot comprehend the current political world: the state of public opinion, the blame for this direction, the drought of honesty and integrity of one party, the concern re diminished [...] Continue Reading

De Política y Cosas Peores 

El debate, el intercambio de ideas, el no pensar necesariamente igual que los demás son cosas que personalmente valoro.  Pero no la aberración. Eso es lo que ha venido sucediendo en [...] Continue Reading

Neglect and Fatal Defects

The Fresno County Board of Supervisors (BOS) seems incompetent, indifferent and neglectful as they preside over a county care and service crisis. Several examples of the board’s offensive and obdurate [...] Continue Reading

Republican Jesus

It’s one of George Bernard Shaw’s better-known quotations: “England and America are two countries separated by the same language.” Given the divisions that have been festering in our own country [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

We wish to have nothing but good news for our readers. However, I am afraid that won’t happen in this issue. Or anytime soon. What has happened recently at Fresno City Hall is disturbing: a recent [...] Continue Reading

The Rite of Fresno: Composing a Rezone

Fans of the composer Igor Stravinsky might find his modernist work The Rite of Spring a suitable soundtrack for the story of Peter Stravinski the developer, particularly its “Sacrificial Dance” [...] Continue Reading

“First They Came…” Again

We are again in a period of racist ultranationalism and right-wing extremism. It’s not the first one. We can choose to defend those who are under attack now. Or we can wait until the attackers come [...] Continue Reading