Letter to the Editor


Election 2024

Your August Community Alliance was excellent!

Your editor’s comments are right on target. This November’s election certainly is one of the most critical elections of our lifetimes, as we’ve spent 10 years of total chaos, violence, hatred and vitriol at the hands of Trump/MAGA insanity.

I’ve been politically active since before I could vote. We protested Vietnam (and helped finally stop that war) and marched for civil/human rights. We’ve tried to get people to pay attention to the destruction of our planet/the environment since the 1960s to no avail.

But we are now saying “enough”! Kamala Harris and Tim Walz now have a critical opportunity to make positive change for younger generations if voter suppression and greedy corporate billionaires can be kept at bay. Now is the time. We must win in November, and I finally think we can with positivity and hope.

Forward—we are not going back!

Susan Schmale


  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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