
By Month

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WILPF – June 2016

WILPF BUSINESS MEETING WILPF will meet Thursday June 9, 7 PM, at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK June 1, first Wednesday of each [...] Continue Reading

Before You Vote on June 7

By Chip Ashley We are in the midst of a historic presidential campaign, and the commercial media focus mostly on Donald Trump, the latest circus in the “bread and circuses” offered up as “news” to a [...] Continue Reading

WILPF – May 2016

  WILPF BUSINESS MEETING May 12 (second Thursday of each month), 7-9 p.m. at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness Ave. Meetings are open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK May 4 [...] Continue Reading

Bernie Rally

Rally for Bernie Sanders for President of the United States, in the Tower District, Fresno, April 2, 2016. Photos by Hannah Brandt [...] Continue Reading


By Ruth Gadebusch Think, think, think before you vote for Trump. No matter how much you dislike the other candidates, the behavior of Congress, how upset you are with current conditions or just in [...] Continue Reading


By Tiffany A. Potter I have been listening to a lot of folk music from the “60’s and ‘70’s, lately. I didn’t realize it at first but became more aware of it when I chose to watch my third PBS special [...] Continue Reading

WILPF: April 2016

WILPF BUSINESS MEETING WILPF will meet Thursday April 14, 7 PM, at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness.  This meeting is open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK April 6, first Wednesday of each [...] Continue Reading