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La falsedad Republicana se Hace Noticia

Al iniciarse el conteo regresivo para las elecciones intermedias del 8 de noviembre de 2022, las campañas de desinformación en plataformas sociales—e incluso en medios tradicionales—florecen como [...] Continue Reading

Progressives and Electoral Politics

We all want a lot of the same things: A living wage for all workers.Reproductive health rights for women.Environmental JusticeImmigrant rights.Clean air and waterLGBTQ rightsHealth Care for [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Everything Must Change for Everything to Remain the Same Is there electoral apathy? Are young people interested in voting? Perhaps the question should be rephrased: Is it worse to vote? Because the [...] Continue Reading

She’s a Witch

There are some wild accusations coming out of the Madera County Board of Supervisors District 5 race. In a mailer, candidate Mark Reed accused his opponents’ supporters of being witches and warlocks. [...] Continue Reading

Waiting for What?

The Central Valley saw mixed results in the June 7 Primary election. Despite favorable redistricting at the federal and state level, with four Latino Voting Rights Act districts in the Central Valley, [...] Continue Reading

Are We Seeing the Death of Democracy?

Democracy seems to be slipping away from us, and new violations keep coming up with sickening regularity. The recent gun violence in Uvalde, Texas, is a grim reminder. Between 55% and 65% of all [...] Continue Reading