Our Voice from Inside the Prison Industrial Complex A lot has happened in the past several months that prevented me from submitting articles to the Community Alliance about life behind prison walls [...] Continue Reading
National & International
The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
WILPF BUSINESS MEETING December 22, Thursday, starting at 7PM at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK December 7, noon to 1PM at the [...] Continue Reading
Cuba Prioritizes Health and Education Even in Hard Economic Times
By Gerry Bill Cuba never ceases to amaze me. Here we are in the throes of an international economic crisis affecting every country in the world. Yet, amid that crisis, the Cubans manage to maintain [...] Continue Reading
Glenn Beck on a Skewer: An Interview with the Author of the Roasting
By Richard Stone Radio and television show host Glenn Beck is a controversial figure. He has made his fortune from being a media pundit and propagandist. Describing himself as only “a rodeo clown” [...] Continue Reading
Cuba Caravan an Eye-Opener: Local Caravanistas to Report Back on 2011 Trip
By Gerry Bill Open your eyes, open your ears, open your hearts and learn about life in Cuba. The best way to learn, of course, is to go to Cuba yourself; that would open your eyes for sure. If you [...] Continue Reading
Frederick Soddy: Radioactivity, Isotopes, Social Responsibility of Scientists and the Environment
By George B. Kauffman Amid the kerfuffle caused by John Hutson’s misguided attempts to introduce nuclear power plants into Fresno County despite the recent Fukushima nuclear disaster, I thought [...] Continue Reading
Love Is Our License: The 22nd Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba
By Leni V. Reeves We were about 100 people, mostly from Canada and the United States, later to be joined by about a dozen Mexican companeros, in 12 buses, traveling routes throughout Canada and the [...] Continue Reading
“Governor Supercuts” for President?
By Jim Hightower - Republished with permission GOP-land is all a twitter now that Texas Governor Rick Perry has announced that he’s ready to ascend to the White House. His candidacy was actually [...] Continue Reading
National Move to Amend Spokesperson to Appear in Fresno
The recent U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate spending on elections. David Cobb, an attorney and organizer for the Move to Amend [...] Continue Reading
Why Washington, D.C., in October 2011?
By Camille Russell Because our “leaders” in the nation’s capital don’t understand that “We the People” won’t continue to accept the destruction of our democracy and society, we will be in Washington, [...] Continue Reading
9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out
We Are Change Fresno is organizing a presentation of 9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out. This informative and newly released film was prepared by a nonprofit association of architects and [...] Continue Reading
Homeless in Cuba? Not Likely
By Gerry Bill Cuba is a poor country by most measures. Yet that statement is, in a way, very misleading. Poor though they are, the Cuban people don’t suffer a lot of the same deprivations found in [...] Continue Reading