National & International

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Living Through War in Gaza

By Athena A six-year-old child in Gaza will have lived through three wars in their lifetime. This affects me personally because my parents lived through the 1948 war and the 1967 war, and I lived in [...] Continue Reading

The Kochocracy

By Will Durst In the bad old days, medieval German lords figured out how to pocket some quick coin by charging a toll on the primitive paths meandering across their lands. The money wasn’t used to [...] Continue Reading

Resistance, Solidarity and Hope

By Leni Reeves For more than 50 years, the United States has maintained a trade, economic and financial blockade against Cuba. We don’t trade with Cuba. We attempt to cut off their access to credit [...] Continue Reading

Peace-Making Model Comes to Fresno

By Richard Stone In April, Fresno played host to an artist who constructed a model drone to remind us of the lethal capabilities of these pilotless aircraft. In May, we had the opposite: Jim Fitz, [...] Continue Reading

News from Peru

By Ingrid Carmean As a Peace Corps volunteer, I’ve been working in the Santa Cruz area of the town of Cerro Candela, Peru, helping the residents to obtain ready access to water. We have achieved step [...] Continue Reading