National & International

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Visit Cuba with Pastors for Peace

By Leni Reeves It’s a good year for those who have wanted to go on a Pastors for Peace Caravan. There will still be optional U.S. bus routes—in Fresno on July 7, so please come see us off—but there [...] Continue Reading

Q&A with an Ex-Con Whistleblower

By Marc Keyser Editor’s note: This is part two of a Q&A series with Marc Keyser, ex-con whistleblower and author of ANTHRAX: Shock and Awe Terror. Read part one on our Web site at [...] Continue Reading

Earth Day 2015

By George B. Kauffman In 1969, anti–Vietnam War demonstrations convinced Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D–Wisc.) and Rep. Pete McCloskey (R–Calif.) to organize a huge grassroots protest over what was happening [...] Continue Reading

We Can Create Lasting Change

  By Hannah Brandt On Feb. 27, Donna Brazile spoke to a relatively full house in the North Gym at Fresno State while a softball game roared a few meters away. The two events started at about the [...] Continue Reading

Chapel Hill Shooting: THERE IS HOPE

 By Reza Nekumanesh  In the Glorious Qur’an, the holy book of Muslims, God tells humans that taking the life of one innocent person is equal to killing off the entirety of humanity in the eyes of God [...] Continue Reading

Human Rights?

By Leni Reeves  The news is that representatives of the United States and Cuba met to discuss restoration of diplomatic relations. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson has emphasized [...] Continue Reading