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What Was Net Neutrality?

By Osiris Godwin Net neutrality seems to be one of those buzzwords that whizzes past us every day. We don’t notice it or pay it much attention; much like a fern in an office, we just assume that it [...] Continue Reading

Elections Report–Cuba

By Leni Reeves I was in Cuba for the Nov. 26 elections there. Of course, you’ve been told all your life that Cuba doesn’t have elections, but it does. In the United States, communist-dictatorship is [...] Continue Reading

Women Usually Clean Up the Big Messes

By Sheila Kennedy Editor’s note: This article is republished with permission and was originally published at The [...] Continue Reading

Did I Bring This on Myself?

By Halima Aquino The disturbing revelations I witnessed first-hand, experienced, heard about or gleaned over the years flooded my head as I woke up yet again last week to more “coming out” stories of [...] Continue Reading

Sidebar: Success or Something Like It

By Halima Aquino One of the silent cruelties that is more common than many of us realize and has always bothered me is that the more successful a woman gets, the more sexually “inappropriate [...] Continue Reading

Impeach Trump Now

By Marc Keyser We are the Resistance. We are united against President Donald Trump. When Trump conspired with Russia to rig the election, he not only broke the law but also committed treason. Trump [...] Continue Reading

Tiffany’s Take: Irma

By Tiffany A. Potter Sleeves up. Hearts open. All in. (Our daily mantra) Oh, what a difference 30 days can make. The space between this time last month and today broke me open. In the last few [...] Continue Reading