There are foreboding winds stirring in the electronic media world: A virtual battle of titans approaches as the major telecommunications, data and video providers determine the future flow and [...] Continue Reading
Progressive News Briefs
Fresno Police Violate Federal Court Order Protecting the Homeless In January of this year, the City of Fresno violated the settlement agreement protecting homeless people from having their property [...] Continue Reading
Fresno Filmmaking Guerrilla-Style
If you’re a local filmmaker and thought it safe to make a film without the City of Fresno’s official approval––even on private property with the owner’s permission––think again. At least that’s what [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
Last month, president Barack Obama and the corporate media cheerfully announced the end of the war in Iraq. The progressive and antiwar movement rejects this declaration and has concerns about the [...] Continue Reading
Mr. Limbaugh and My Primal Rush
Progressive Religion Is Not an Oxymoron Columnist’s note: Although the following article is not about religion or religious practices in any direct way, it is about something of deep concern, even [...] Continue Reading
The CCAM Report: Citizens for Civility and Accountability in Media versus KMJ
Citizens for Civility and Accountability in Media (CCAM) is continuing our David-and-Goliath encounter with radio station KMJ. Following the initiation of our ongoing petition drive, the seven [...] Continue Reading
Stop Hate Radio
Citizens for Civility and Accountability in Media, a community group in Fresno, is calling on radio station KMJ to alter its talk radio format to allow for a wider range of opinions on the air. The [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
The progressive community in Fresno had some excitement in April, which seemed to start with whether local community groups should co-sponsor and sell tickets to the Michael Parenti/Victor Hanson [...] Continue Reading
How to Save Journalism
By John Nichols and Robert W. McChesney (This article appeared in the January 25, 2010, edition of The Nation. The Nation is available at The founders of the American experiment [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
By: Mike Rhodes I think about the reasons why we publish the Community Alliance newspaper every day. On the other hand, I seldom take the time to talk or write about it. That changed on February 20 [...] Continue Reading
By: Richard Stone Les Kimber says it is simple and straightforward: Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. "I learned this early, from my mother's lips. I was raised in a God-fearing home, [...] Continue Reading
The Fresno Bee Four
By: Alex Vavoulis On the passing of James Bort, Jr., on January 20, 2010, many will feel the pain of the family as it grieves for a loved one. Many will also think about the value of a free press [...] Continue Reading