
By Month

By Category

From the Editor

The Community Alliance newspaper is expanding―printing more pages in color and adding a Spanish-language page―and going through some significant design changes. Over the last three months, we have [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Expect some changes in the Community Alliance newspaper over the next couple of months. There are several events that are pushing these changes, which we hope will improve the paper and get it into [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

Mayor’s Privatization Scheme Defeated Fresno’s commercial solid waste workers won an important victory when City Council members voted 4-3 to stop a privatization effort led by Mayor Ashley [...] Continue Reading

2011 Rogue Festival

The Rogue Performance Festival is turning 10! We can hardly believe it has already been 10 years, but we are excited to celebrate 10 years of independent performance and art in Fresno. We have added [...] Continue Reading

We want your opinion

Let us know what you think of the February 2012 issue of the Community Alliance newspaper. Take our survey here: If you would like to receive an updated Peace and [...] Continue Reading

From Jefferson to Assange

Editor's Note: This article originally appeared at Truthdig, All you need to know about Julian Assange’s value as a crusading journalist is that the New York Times and most of the [...] Continue Reading

China Syndrome or Chinatown?

Conflict and Contradiction for Fresno’s Nuclear Ambitions Fresnans looking for some cozy holiday movie watching might consider curling up with two classic California films from the 1970s—The China [...] Continue Reading