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Don’t Let the Nays Win

By Ruth Gadebusch With so much concentration on the nation’s debt lately it is easy to simply accept the status quo. It is easy to cancel all projects that extend into the future and Heaven forbid [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

The Revue Café, a coffee shop in Fresno’s Tower District, removed copies of the Community Alliance newspaper from its shelves and told our distributor that it no longer wanted our paper in the store. [...] Continue Reading

Norman Solomon in Fresno Aug. 20

The local Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) chapter, the Central Valley–Sierra Progressives, proudly hosts Norman Solomon, candidate for California’s 6th Congressional district, at two special [...] Continue Reading

Chale con la guerra! Stop the War!

On August 29, 1970, thousands of Chicanos marched in Los Angeles to protest and demand an end to the war in Vietnam. It would be the first major upheaval of the Chicano community against U.S. [...] Continue Reading

Let’s Get It Right This Time!

Once again, Fresno is the only major city in California with no civilian police oversight—after more than 10 years of effort and support from more than 50 organizations, thousands of individuals, the [...] Continue Reading

“Stop the Machine!” Protest

October 6, 2011, will be a day to remember. Inspired by the courageous, nonviolent uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Greece, Spain and Wisconsin, progressive leaders in the United States [...] Continue Reading

Democratic Training Comes to Fresno

The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee (FCDCC) and the California Democratic Council (CDC) are sponsoring a Democratic Leadership Training. This full day of intense training includes a variety [...] Continue Reading