By Leni Reeves Bold Step is the name of an event that will be held on Sept. 5 and 6 in Delano, hosted by the Filipino American Historical Society, honoring the Filipino roots of the Delano [...] Continue Reading
Which Side Are You On My People?
By Luis Ojeda On July 9, the Fresno County Sheriff’s Department announced that it had launched a “unique program at [the] Fresno County Jail” that would provide two ICE (Immigration and Customs [...] Continue Reading
A Matter of Conscience A HERITAGE OF PACIFISM
By Hannah Brandt My grandfather is 93 years old. Most nights, he forgets to take his medication unless I bug him about it: “Did you take your pills yet?” Somehow, he never manages to miss a minute of [...] Continue Reading
Thousands of Farmworkers Can’t Make a Living
By David Bacon At the end of the 1970s, California farmworkers were the highest paid in the United States, with the possible exception of Hawaii’s long-unionized sugar and pineapple workers. Today, [...] Continue Reading
Third Annual Chicano History Revisited Symposium
By Eddie Varela and Jose Luis Barraza Concilio de Fresno, Inc., is hosting the Third Annual Symposium of Chicano History Revisited of Fresno County on August 29 at the Sal Mosqueda Community Center. [...] Continue Reading
Immigrant Lives Are Worth It
By Leoncio Vasquez Santos We are out in the streets of Fresno again this May First to continue putting in the public agenda the issue of immigration. In the 21st century, technology has advanced at [...] Continue Reading
Commemorating the Armenian Genocide: The Importance of Memory and Transformation
By Matthew Ari Jendian “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”—Spanish philosopher George Santayana (1905) In 2015, among many other things, we commemorate the 67th [...] Continue Reading
Immigration and Customs Enforcement in California
By Jonathan Luevanos Felix ICE Out of California Police violence, incarceration and the criminalization of homelessness and of immigrant individuals have become problems in California. One problem, [...] Continue Reading
Cesar Chavez Celebration
By Willie Lopez On March 26, the 15th annual Cesar Chavez celebration will take place sponsored by El Concilio de Fresno and the Fresno Unified School District (FUSD), along with the Cesar Chavez [...] Continue Reading
Upcountry from Delano
The offenses of Mammon are legion, but greatest is the offense against the vine— this is to wound the heart of Dionysos and Christ. Here, under the banners and the burned faces, I see the simple [...] Continue Reading
AB 60 Driver’s Licenses: A 20–Year Struggle to Drive Safely in California
By Stephanie Canales | Contributions by Stacy Suh and Daisy Vieyra Working for the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU-NC) to inform the immigrant community about [...] Continue Reading
Bittersweet: Obama’s Executive Action on Immigration
By the Community Alliance On Nov. 20, President Barack Obama issued another historical executive action on immigration that was received with a mix of happiness, sadness and anger. This bittersweet [...] Continue Reading