
By Month

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Peace Challenge for Youth

  The Fresno Center for Nonviolence (FCNV) has received a donation made in memory of Kathryn Stephens to again provide mini-grants to several youth groups to work on projects that “makes it [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

Education Without Borders A march and rally was held in downtown Fresno last month to draw attention to the Fresno Unified School District’s high dropout rate, support ethnic studies programs and [...] Continue Reading

Bar Talk Reveals Educational Success

So. Not that I’ve lied to you before, but this one is really true. Sort of. Well, in its essentials, it’s true. The other day, in the middle of May, during that unusually cool and wet weather, I was [...] Continue Reading

Defending Civil Liberties in Fresno

The American Civil Liberties Union affiliate staff in San Francisco used to joke that they should open an office in Fresno. That never happened, but it sure seems like it did. The affiliate and the [...] Continue Reading

Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots

Classrooms, Not Prison Cells By Daniel Treglia I’m inspired to write because of Miriam Hernandez, who wrote “Where’s the Attention to Education” in the May issue of the Community Alliance. Although [...] Continue Reading