By George B. Kauffman Amid the kerfuffle caused by John Hutson’s misguided attempts to introduce nuclear power plants into Fresno County despite the recent Fukushima nuclear disaster, I thought [...] Continue Reading
Queer Eye – Neil O’Brien Facing Campus Charges
Fresno State gadfly and Tea Party activist Neil O’Brien is facing campus judicial action after two Chicano and Latin American Studies professors filed incident reports with the University police in [...] Continue Reading
Peace Challenge for Youth
The Fresno Center for Nonviolence (FCNV) has received a donation made in memory of Kathryn Stephens to again provide mini-grants to several youth groups to work on projects that “makes it [...] Continue Reading
Bravo Success for BMB Leadership Academy in Southwest Fresno
Organizational effectiveness is often the key component to an organization’s success. The Black Men and Boys (BMB) Leadership Academy demonstrated “effectiveness.” The experience was indeed awesome as [...] Continue Reading
Progressive News Briefs
Education Without Borders A march and rally was held in downtown Fresno last month to draw attention to the Fresno Unified School District’s high dropout rate, support ethnic studies programs and [...] Continue Reading
Bar Talk Reveals Educational Success
So. Not that I’ve lied to you before, but this one is really true. Sort of. Well, in its essentials, it’s true. The other day, in the middle of May, during that unusually cool and wet weather, I was [...] Continue Reading
Defending Civil Liberties in Fresno
The American Civil Liberties Union affiliate staff in San Francisco used to joke that they should open an office in Fresno. That never happened, but it sure seems like it did. The affiliate and the [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
Classrooms, Not Prison Cells By Daniel Treglia I’m inspired to write because of Miriam Hernandez, who wrote “Where’s the Attention to Education” in the May issue of the Community Alliance. Although [...] Continue Reading
Class Action Rally and March in Fresno
Students, faculty and their allies held a rally and march at Fresno State on April 13 protesting fee increases; demanding the resignation of Dr. Charles B. Reed, chancellor of the California State [...] Continue Reading
Academy in West Fresno Teaches Leadership and Comradeship
This spring, the Fresno West Coalition for Economic Development (FWCED) has sponsored the Black Men and Boys Leadership Academy (BMB). Keith Kelley, CEO/president of the FWCED says, “We are very [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
Full Scale Assault on the Environment By Connie Peterson Imagine my sense of irony and outrage when, on the same day the front page of the Fresno Bee decried the toxicity of our Valley, the [...] Continue Reading
Después de la derrota que sufrió el Acta del Sueño (Dream Act) a finales de 2010, pareciera ver que el asunto de inmigración se regresó al final de la lista de prioridades para el Gobierno Federal, lo [...] Continue Reading