By Beverly Fitzpatrick
Revolution, A Love Story is the title of Cindy Sheehan’s new book. This book is about her interviews with Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela. Sheehan brings the message home with a call to action. It is the story of a country, a people and a revolution. Sheehan’s talent and abilities come forth in the book.
That is why Peace Fresno is excited to be bringing Sheehan back to Fresno on Nov. 10 for an antiwar demonstration at the Peace Corner, a march to College Community Congregational Church and a presentation by Sheehan about her experiences in Venezuela with Chavez, followed by a Q&A.
Sheehan founded Gold Star Mothers for Peace after her son Casey died during the Iraq War. The original Occupier, she set up Camp Casey outside George W. Bush’s ranch in 2005. Originally, Sheehan was a tax resister; now she is a tax refuser.
Since Sheehan’s son Casey was killed in Iraq in April 2004, she has traveled to Venezuela and Cuba several times. In her new book, she tries to set the record straight about Chavez and to inspire action here in the United States.
The corporate media has demonized Chavez, but Sheehan has a different story to tell—a story of a country that has been transformed and has empowered its people under his leadership. According to Sheehan, Chavez led the country in a different direction and did a brilliant job with the resources he had. Now, the 99% in Venezuela are not going to let the revolution die. Sheehan sees the Occupy Movement here in the United States as a good model. She said, “Peace isn’t going to come from Congress but from the people.”
Sometimes in the United States the people see the problems as being so big that there are no solutions. People don’t want to act because they don’t think they will be effective. Sheehan says, “Maybe there are little solutions that we could at least try.” An answer might be to create little chunks of democracy and revolutionary communities. As Sheehan says, “The only answer to globalization is localization!”
Join Peace Fresno and the progressive community to act, march and listen on Nov. 10.
1:30 p.m.: Antiwar demonstration at the Peace Corner (Blackstone and Shaw avenues)
2 p.m.: March to College Community Congregational Church (5550 N. Fresno St.)
3 p.m.: Sheehan speaks about the love of socialism
For more information, visit www.peacefresno.org.
Beverly Fitzpatrick is a retired elementary school teacher. She is the current president of Peace Fresno. Contact her at dfitzpatrick29@comcast.net or 559-432-8210.