By Victor Kral
The Tower District is a very pedestrian-oriented part of Fresno, having a lot of businesses that caters to folks wanting to eat out, enjoy adult beverages, shop and do business. As a result, the Tower gets a lot of litter.
It is very difficult for people to put their arms around big issue environmental challenges. However, everyone can do the simplest of things to keep our environment clean and eye-appealing. Throwing one’s trash in a trash container, is easily do-able. But, to take it a step further, we have a need for citizens to help clean up the Tower and the rest of Fresno.
The Tower District had a volunteer group that met once a month, in partnership with the City of Fresno, which provided tools and equipment to help in that endeavor.
We need volunteers who care about the Tower District to bring that idea back to the neighborhood. Business owners and the city simply cannot keep up with the volume of trash that is all over our Tower streets. Volunteers are needed to help fill in the void.
I urge Community Alliance readers to contact their council-persons and request that these citizen/city clean-up groups be implemented once again.
We can do better! FRES-YES!
Who Could Really Help Him?
Mike Starry
In a country where taxpayers finance 2,000+ corporations which buy government employees to be involved in the technological destruction of human beings and their creations, I see the infrastructure tumbling. Many of Fresno streets are seriously pitted. More seriously, I do business near Blackstone and Shields near a rear-of-the-building parking lot where a homeless man has slept day in and night out for years. Behind the business building (mostly abandoned) immediately north of the business I go to lies a large man and his highly-stacked shopping cart up against a brick wall. Apparently the neighbors in the houses near him know the authorities will not REALLY help him, and thus have phoned nobody to move him to another location. Without a regular shower I know his skin must be festering with sores. What do you think? Do you know of anyone who COULD REALLY HELP HIM?