Re “Kill the Poor”
These [Fresno] City Council members are the worst of the worst! So you are trying to sweep the problem under the rug instead of fixing the problem. I thought your job was to make this city better, not cause more harm to people that are suffering the worst thing imaginable.
Karma has a way of paying people like them [Council members] for their unspeakable behavior.
These people are human beings! I’d bet that the [Council members] treat a dog better than these unfortunate people [the homeless]. I cannot believe that you are “stealing” the only belongings they have in this world! I cannot believe that you can sleep at night with what you have done! I cannot believe that you can look in the mirror and like who you see!
As the article stated, you are sociopaths!
Re “Fresno Goes Viral”
Someone should contact the ACLU unless there is a local attorney who is willing to take on a lawsuit on the restaurant’s behalf and sue [Maria] Garcia for her careless and financially ruinous libel and slander.
Until people are held accountable for their vicious unfounded posts, reputations and livelihoods will continue to be trashed in social media.
The [restaurant is] fortunate that the idiots who called with death threats did not act on them. If they had, hopefully criminal charges would have been levied against Garcia for inciting violence.
Cindy Simpson
Re “The Fall of Bitwise”
The Bitwise mission, “To be a transformative tech company offering technology-based solutions for underserved communities and clients,” is one that many of us believed in.
I took two coding classes [there] and was impressed with the diversity of the students. I also participated in a WordPress support group that met there.
We can’t lose sight of this vision because the Central Valley has so much potential.
Hopefully, someone will conduct an autopsy of the death of this organization to find out what happened and perhaps have an opportunity to salvage this dream for the young people of the Central Valley. They deserve no less.
Juan M. Flores