By No More Slumlords

No More Slumlords recently released an investigative report looking into the city of Fresno’s relationship with JD Home Rentals. In response to that investigative report, we received a correspondence from attorneys representing JD Home Rentals demanding that the investigative report be removed from public viewing. The letter is an attempt to silence Fresno residents who want to share their experience with JD Home Rentals. It is a violation of freedom of speech. Although this company’s challenge to our efforts in documenting their business practices is unsettling and potentially intimidating, the volunteers at No More Slumlords are determined to continue our efforts in publically investigating Fresno’s housing conditions.

While we are exploring our legal options in response, we are convinced that true and lasting change in this city will not occur in a courtroom, but will occur as the hearts and minds of Fresno residents are changed. We believe that giving our community the opportunity to see for themselves the housing conditions in Fresno, is a powerful tool to ultimately move people to action. We have documented the truth about what we have seen and heard and we are convinced that what we are doing is right. We will not give up our efforts in documenting the living conditions of Fresno residents.

About 52% of Fresno population are renters and the need for low-income housing in our city is high. To our knowledge, we are the only group in our city that is using the power of multimedia to document the voices of the community when it comes to housing. Due to our investigation, more JD Home Rentals’ employees and families have stepped forward to share their story causing the city to conduct an investigation.

We also have heard that other agencies are conducting their own investigation as well. Unfortunately, JD Home Rentals is attempting to silence us via their attorney. JD Home Rentals is the largest property owner in Fresno with more than 3,000 properties in our city that affect as many as 10,000 people.

If you wish to learn more about our movement, please visit our website at nomoreslumlords.org. You can contact us by replying to this email or calling us at (559) 512-0255.

Below is the link to the investigative report he is referring to: https:// vimeo.com/128283570


  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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