Compiled by Fresno Metro Ministry
ISJC Mission Statement: To network and collaborate as we work to serve and promote systemic change for the common good; to educate and inspire one another to positive actions; to model interfaith cooperation; and to break down barriers as we work together for justice, right relationships, an end to violence and care for the earth.
Weekly Events
Tuesdays, July 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 • 10 a.m.–noon
Buddhist Cultural Class in Japanese by Rev. Sensho Inouye. Buddhist Church of Fowler, 210 S. 9th St., Fowler. For more info, call 559-834-2077.
Tuesdays, July 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 • 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Fresno River Zen Group meeting. Zen Center of Fresno, 922 N. Van Ness Ave. Guided by Rev. Myoan Grace Schireson, dharma heir of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, the founder of the San Francisco Zen Center. For more info, call 559-301-6570 or visit www.zencenterfresno.org.
Wednesdays, July 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31
Meditation. Newman Center, 1572 E. Barstow Ave. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. For more info, call 559-435-2212.
Biweekly Events
Saturdays, July 6 & 20 • 10 a.m.–noon
Bishop Steinbock Homeless Advocacy Committee. Bishop Scher Room, Diocese of Fresno Pastoral Center, 1550 N. Fresno St. For more info, contact Bill Simon at 559-227-6565 or bsimon6565@sbcglobal.net. The interfaith community is invited.
July Events
Wednesday, July 3 • 7 p.m.
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative (ISJC) monthly meeting. First Baptist Church, 1400 E. Saginaw Way. Come if you’d like to meet others engaged in faith-inspired social and environmental justice work. Individuals of different faith traditions meet and exchange ideas, share event flyers and support each other’s
efforts to create a healthier, more loving and compassionate world.
Friday, July 5 • 7 p.m.–9 p.m.
Dances of Universal Peace. Sacred Circle Dances from Around the World. First Congregational Church, 2131 N. Van Ness Blvd.
Wednesday, July 10 • 7 p.m.
The Tzedekah Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is working to address mass incarceration. College Community Congregational Church, 5550 N. Fresno St. For more info, contact Andy Levine at andy@ficpico.org.
Friday, July 12 • 6:30 p.m.–8 p.m.
Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan Send-Off. Potluck meal, speakers including Yesenia Martinez from Watsonville and music. The Caravan to Cuba this year will be organized differently. The message is still that the blockade is immoral and unacceptable and must be lifted. Aid will still be taken to Cuba—medications and other portable aid to be carried in the caravanistas’ baggage. There will be no bus routes this time; instead, there will be gatherings in cities across North America during Cuba Caravan Week, July 8–15. Caravanistas from Fresno will then participate in a major event in the Bay Area on July 15, fly to Mexico City for orientation and then to Santiago de Cuba. Free and open to the public. For more info, e-mail Leni at barrysresoles@netptc.net or call the Fresno Center for Nonviolence at 559-237-3223 11 a.m.–
3 p.m. Monday–Friday.
Wednesday–Saturday, July 17–20 • 5:30 p.m.–8 p.m.
FIRM (Fresno International Refugee Ministries) Family Festival. FIRM Campus, 1940 N. Fresno St. Bring the whole family. Fun for everyone! Coj tag nrho koj tsev neeg. Muaj kev lom zem rau txhua tus! For more info, contact Sophia or Christine at FIRM, 559-487-1500 or 1christinebarker@gmail.com.
Friday, July 19 • 6 p.m.
Lecture by Dr. John Esposito: The Future of Muslims in America—Success and Challenges. Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno, 2111 E. Nees Ave. Dinner and live auction. $25 general, $10 students and children. Dr. Esposito is a founding director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding in the Walsh School of Foreign Service. He is also professor of international affairs and Islamic studies at Georgetown University. For more info or to purchase tickets, contact 559-297-9535 or info@icfresno.org.
Sunday, July 21 • 3 p.m.–5 p.m.
World Meditation Day is observed to promote peace within oneself and harmony in the world. 7319 N. Fourth St. Guided meditation followed by discussion and light refreshments. For more info, call Veena Kapoor at 559-435-2212.
Faith Resources
Fresno Metro Ministry: Learn more at www.fresnometmin.org.
Interfaith Alliance of Central California: Learn more at www.interfaithalliancecc.org/.
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative: Click “Like” on this Facebook page to receive updates.
Interfaith Youth Alliance: Learn more at www.ifya-net.org.
Mental Health America–Central Valley: Learn more at www.mha-cv.org/ (information for clergy and faith leaders).
Multifaith Calendar: Learn more at www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/multifaith-calendar/.
Multifaith Exchange: Learn more at http://fresnomultifaithexchange.org/.
The Bishop John Steinbock Homeless Advocacy Committee: Learn more at www.dioceseoffresno.org/homeless.html. (Click on English or Spanish near the top for brochure on how to help the homeless.)
List of Religious Holidays: Visit www.interfaithcalendar.org/2011.htm.
The Community Alliance ISJC Calendar and the ISJC e-mail listserv are coordinated by Fresno Metro Ministry. Contact them at mike@fresnometmin.org. (Send information for the ISJC Calendar by the 14th of the prior month. Please include the phrase “Interfaith Calendar” in the subject of the e-mail.)