By Community Alliance Staff
We have until Sept. 30 to be counted. And this means we can have better schools, better and safer roads, healthier neighborhoods and the political representation according to our population.
All we need is to be counted in Census 2020.
It’s free, safe and takes only a few minutes. And you can do it by phone, via the Internet or, if a Census representative knocks on your door, by answering a few questions.
Governor Gavin Newsom issued a letter to all California’s residents reminding them that Sept. 30 is the deadline to answer those simple questions.
“All Californians can help their communities secure these resources and more by participating in the 2020 Census before Sept. 30. It’s as simple as answering nine easy questions online or on the phone.
“As we continue to address the double pandemics of Covid-19 and systemic racism, many of us are thinking about the world we want to live in, and how we can make it better and safer for the next generation. The Census gives us an opportunity to lay the groundwork for securing the funding that communities need to thrive.
“An official count of the population, the Census is used by every level of government to decide funding for our children’s schools, childcare programs, and nutrition and health resources.
“The answers you give today will affect us every day for the next 10 years. Whether or not you take the Census will impact your six-year-old until they are in high school.”
The Trump administration has tried to play down the importance of the Census even trying to include a question regarding citizenship status of those responding to the questionnaire. A judge struck down this question.
“By taking the Census, you will help secure billions of dollars of funding for your community, tribal nation and state,” says Governor Newsom. “You will ensure you and your neighbors are represented in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Communities that have more people officially counted have greater representation in the legislature and the Congress, and they have more funding available to assist with the community needs based on this official count.”
The Census gives us the chance to say, “we’re here, we matter and we know what our kids and communities deserve.”
The first Census was taken in 1790, and the purpose is to count everybody who is in the country regardless of ethnic background, religion and citizenship status; only tourists are not supposed to be counted. Governor Newsom wants to be sure California’s residents understand that.
“Native Americans, immigrants, non-English speakers, diverse communities and children are among those most often missed by the count. An undercount would take away the power of our voices and count us out of the decisions that affect us,” Governor Newsom said. “And it would put our future and funding at risk, resulting in less money for our hospitals, fire departments and schools. For every person left uncounted, California could lose $1,000 per person each year for the next 10 years.”
If you have not yet filled out the Census questionnaire, visit my2020census.gov or call 844-330-2020. Assistance is available on the phone in several languages. If you received a paper form in the mail, you can fill it out and mail it back.
Make sure you count everyone in your household, including children, and do it before Sept. 30.
For more information, visit the Census Web site at https://californiacensus.org/.