From the Editor

From the Editor

So Much Hate, So Little Love

In the past few years, we’ve witnessed an increase of rage everywhere. In these times of social media dominance, it is common to see short videos of drivers fighting at a stoplight, bikers hitting cars or vice versa, customers yelling at cashiers and even attacks with weapons. Two people were attacked in Fresno on Nov. 21 in what appears to be a hate crime.

Where does all this hate come from? And why? The Community Alliance is participating in the Stop the Hate campaign with the hope of helping our community to identify hate crimes and know how and where to report them. Our community needs to make an effort to confront this issue with the hope that we can eradicate hate some day. 

However, those in positions of power are not helping. There are wars and vitriolic statements from world leaders—even from the “quiet” Joe Biden.

The world is polarized as never before. And there is no sign of that ending. To make things worse, in Argentina the newly elected president is continuing insults to his political adversaries, to the excitement of his many right-wing sympathizers around the world—some of them in the United States.

Next year, we will have important elections that will no doubt be accompanied by aggressive rhetoric that will only add fuel to the fire.

I wonder what happened to the “Summer of Love.” Or just plain love. It seems that we have forgotten the meaning of the term “love.” We must bring it back. And the sooner the better.


  • From the Editor

    Eduardo Stanley is the editor of the Community Alliance newspaper, a freelance journalist for several Latino media outlets and a Spanish-language radio show host at KFCF in Fresno. He is also a photographer. To learn more about his work, visit

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