From the Editor

From the Editor
From the Editor

War in Ukraine Exposes Much

The unjustified and repudiated war started by Russia against Ukraine has exposed the warmongering of Western countries, led by the United States, taking this as a good opportunity to isolate Russia even more.

It also has exposed the hypocrisy of Western leaders, including Joseph Biden. For instance, they accuse Russian President Vladimir Putin of being a “war criminal” but forget the wars and crimes they were and are involved in.

The Iraq war of 2003 was unjustified and illegal, with more than a million Iraqis dead. We could also mention Vietnam, the “secret war” in Laos and Cambodia, and the list can go on and on.

The United States also organized criminal coup d’etats in countries such as Chile (1973) and Argentina (1976), countries in which a military submissive to the United States killed thousands of their own citizens and imposed an economic and social model dictated by Washington.

And there is the Cuban blockade.

The war in Ukraine isn’t good, but the militaristic reaction of the United States doesn’t help at all to pacify the region. On the contrary. It shows that our country is still ruled by the old militaristic guard that is using this war for its own purposes.

All this means that Washington will increase indiscriminately the militaristic expenditures and financial support to Ukraine. The majority of Congress supports this action while refusing to support the Build Back Better program because of the high expenditure!

Finally, the war in Ukraine has exposed the racism of Western countries, “concerned” about Ukrainian refugees because they are White after having despised Syrian and Afghan refugees.

Political corruption has many faces.

Till next month.


  • From the Editor

    Eduardo Stanley is the editor of the Community Alliance newspaper, a freelance journalist for several Latino media outlets and a Spanish-language radio show host at KFCF in Fresno. He is also a photographer. To learn more about his work, visit

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