By Doug Richert
The Downtown Fresno Coalition (DFC) remains steadfast in its opposition to the City of Fresno’s plan to demolish the historic Fulton Mall and replace it with 20 feet of asphalt. The DFC was formed to promote responsible revitalization of downtown Fresno and for the past 14 years has supported restoration of the recognized historic resource that is Fresno’s Fulton Mall. Legal actions underway that threaten the FMRP’s viability include an appeal of a recent ruling of the United States Federal Court, Eastern District of California. The DFC is also a party to an appeal in the State of California, Fifth District Court of Appeal.
The DFC is also engaged in outreach to educate the public about the financial underpinnings of the project and the risks borne by taxpayers, especially when legal actions are pending. The recently revealed local sources of funding that have been commandeered by the city to fill the project’s gaping budget deficit include, for example, $1,800,000 in Measure C Transit Oriented Development Funds. The Measure C TOD program reportedly accrues $700,000 annually, and over its twenty-year lifespan is expected to generate $17.4 million. The City of Fresno has been awarded a total of $2,274,800 for the FMRP, counting an earlier award of $474,800 for “engineering and environmental” work for the FMRP. How can the creation of six blocks of street justify the expenditure of three years of TOD funding and 13% of the total funds available for twenty years?
The DFC is affiliated with the local non-profit organization 1000 Friends of Fresno. Tax-deductible donations can be made to the Fulton Mall legal defense fund by sending a check made out to 1000 Friends of Fresno to their office at 4781 E. Gettysburg, Fresno, California 93726, with the notation Save the Mall. For online contributions, go to https://www. crowdrise.com/helpsavethefultonmall. You can also find the Downtown Fresno Coalition on Facebook to stay informed.
The Downtown Fresno Coalition (DFC) was formed to promote responsible revitalization of downtown Fresno. Focusing on preserving Fulton Mall, one of DFC’s most abiding concerns is to ensure Fulton Mall be preserved and properly appreciated as one of Fresno’s most distinctive landmarks. DFC is comprised of arts patrons, downtown community members, daily Mall users, Mall artists, and residents across Fresno who recognize the vast historic resource and unique asset Fulton Mall is for Fresno.
Contact the Downtown Fresno Coalition at downtownfc@sbcglobal.net, Doug Richert, Co-Chair at (559) 360-3844 or dougrichert@ att.net. Check out 1000FriendsofFresno. org, Downtown Fresno Coalition on Facebook, and at SaveTheFultonMall.org YouTube Channel.