Community Alliance Newsstand Stolen
I am infuriated by your story about your stolen newsstands. My daughter and I met you over 10 years ago back when you had an office across the street from Fresno City College. I had just recently started reading your paper, and I remember talking to you a little about where to find copies of it.
The thought that local law enforcement officers and/or employees are stealing your newsstands is really disturbing. Are they trying to make it harder for the public to read your paper? And why do they even care?
And the library! Too controversial! What?!
Anyway, since I doubt you will get any real action from the Fresno PD have you considered going over their heads so to speak? Like contacting the state attorney general’s office or even the FBI? That is the answer to your question and the title of your article “Who Are You Going to Call When Sheriff’s Office Personnel…” I think it is rightfully in the FBI’s jurisdiction. It is a federal constitutional matter.
I also wanted to tell you that your story has inspired a renewed commitment to the Alliance in me so now I’m going to go pay for a subscription. Good luck with however you decide to pursue it and let us readers know how it’s going.
Tara Hall
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