Opinion & Analysis

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By Tiffany A. Potter I am happy to state the obvious in reporting that we have made it through another year, collectively and as individuals. We had been given another year to grow, to atone, to [...] Continue Reading

Having It All

By Tiffany A. Potter Five and a half years ago, when my company was a brand new baby to the world (as all businesses created typically become the creator’s child), when I hadn’t a logo or tax [...] Continue Reading

Fear-Based Society

By Mike Starry Writing for the Fresno High School newspaper and studying Fresno State sociology helped me understand how in a fear-based society, the power structure can use the media to manipulate [...] Continue Reading

Tiffany’s Take: Memories and Thanks

By Tiffany A. Potter Storyland reopened on Sept. 4, and I couldn’t be happier for it. I consider it a jewel of this town that we live in (a town that outsiders seldom have anything nice to say [...] Continue Reading

It Is That Time of Year

By Ruth Gadebusch For all the complaints and criticisms one hears about public education these days, there is still something exciting about the beginning of a new school year. It is a fresh start [...] Continue Reading

The Road to Fascism

By Leonard Adame Here’s the thing about a society that ignores police brutality. It sews the seeds of fascism, and that terrible ideology will destroy anyone that doesn’t totally adhere to its [...] Continue Reading

Fresno PD Refuses to Enforce Gun Laws

By Lindsey Spec In May 2014, the Fresno Bee covered a story of a 13-year-old student found with a .357 magnum and bullets at Baird Middle School. The gun was owned by the father, a Fresno County [...] Continue Reading

Tiffany’s Take: Inspiration

I got nothin’. I’ve sat down to write this month’s column more than a few times and, ultimately, my steadfast process seems to have turned on me. Nothing (and I mean, nothing) has flowed from my [...] Continue Reading

Confused & Confusing Conservation

By Ruth Gadebusch Conservation has long been something that we all presumably believe in but recent conditions have really brought it to the forefront. It seems to me that conservation began in [...] Continue Reading