Opinion & Analysis

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From the Editor – January 2019

Dear Reader, Happy New Year! At the incredible risk of sounding cliché, I will allow myself to revel in the optimism and positivity that this time of year brings out in so many. I sincerely wish [...] Continue Reading


Por Lourdes Medina Si cuenta! Mi Voto si contó! El pasado 6 de noviembre del 2018 se llevó a cabo una de las más impactantes elecciones de medio tiempo o como le llaman en inglés los “midterms” en [...] Continue Reading

Opportunity or Pitfall

By Ruth Gadebusch We have just come off, arguably, the most contentious election of all time. While not as successful as we might have hoped for, or even expected, given this political climate, we the [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – December 2018

Dear Reader, I know that for many of you who voted, organized, mobilized and stayed plugged into political news this year, it goes without saying that Christmas arrived early when Congress reached a [...] Continue Reading

Hooray for Us!

By Uncle Bill ’Tis a glorious, florious flag-waving day To remember our heroes who’ve gone by the way. Memorial, Veterans and Patriot’s Day, too Armed Forces, Independence, just to name one or [...] Continue Reading

Vote for a Difference

By Ruth Gadebusch Elections, by nature, are contentious with this one seemingly well on its way to record breaking. I have no scientific evidence, but it appears that the ads are nastier, started [...] Continue Reading

Stark Raving Mad

By Marc Keyser High-level officials under President Donald Trump are actively working to combat his controversial policies and erratic behavior, according to a scathing New York Times op-ed written by [...] Continue Reading

Wonder No More

By Ruth Gadebusch Just wondering, could it be that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a better man than we thought? After all, it appears that he is the only thing between the president and wiping out [...] Continue Reading