Opinion & Analysis

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From the Editor — February 2019

Dear Reader, Americans rang in the New Year with a federal government shutdown that thinned and emptied the pockets of thousands of working families, all under the guise of border security. After [...] Continue Reading

He Said to Himself

By Ruth Gadebusch He surely says a lot to himself. I refer to the president of this nation as he so often peppers his pronouncements to the world: “I said to myself…” Alas, I wish he kept most of [...] Continue Reading

He Said to Himself

By Ruth Gadebusch He surely says a lot to himself. I refer to the president of this nation as he so often peppers his pronouncements to the world: “I said to myself…” Alas, I wish he kept most of [...] Continue Reading

In the Normal Course of Events

By Ruth Gadebusch Following the Democratic success in the 2018 election, I expressed hope that the newfound power would be used wisely. At the moment I have some doubts, most especially in the [...] Continue Reading

In the Normal Course of Events

By Ruth Gadebusch Following the Democratic success in the 2018 election, I expressed hope that the newfound power would be used wisely. At the moment I have some doubts, most especially in the [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor — January 2019

Stronger Together During the holiday season, let’s be grateful for our privileges and use them to support others as allies. In the nation’s current political climate, our undocumented neighbors [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor — January 2019

Stronger Together During the holiday season, let’s be grateful for our privileges and use them to support others as allies. In the nation’s current political climate, our undocumented neighbors [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – January 2019

Dear Reader, Happy New Year! At the incredible risk of sounding cliché, I will allow myself to revel in the optimism and positivity that this time of year brings out in so many. I sincerely wish [...] Continue Reading