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How Fresno Became a World Class City

By Mike Rhodes In the not too distant future (or maybe a parallel universe)... Ashley Swearengin, Lee Brand and Steve Brandau were defeated but not surprised as they fell from political power. The [...] Continue Reading

Out of Sight Out of Mind

By Ernesto Saavedra (Author’s note: Some names have been changed and/or omitted per request of some of the people interviewed given the sensitivity of the topic.) According to the latest U.S. [...] Continue Reading

The Forgotten City

By Sally Parker The Fallout Financial institutions and the near demise of the housing market are all related to a new epidemic: Slumlords. Although this problem has been around for ages, it appears [...] Continue Reading

Living Through War in Gaza

By Athena A six-year-old child in Gaza will have lived through three wars in their lifetime. This affects me personally because my parents lived through the 1948 war and the 1967 war, and I lived in [...] Continue Reading

Digital Cheese

By Will Durst Plenty of people had good reason to be in a foul mood back in 2012. The Detroit Tigers. Members of the Romney family. And, after making the acquaintance of a windy lass named Sandy, [...] Continue Reading