
By Month

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National Chemistry Week

By George B. Kauffman Although the right-wing climate change, evolution and science deniers, the creationists and other fanatics of their ilk are Although the right-wing climate change, evolution and [...] Continue Reading

Report from Cuba

By Leni Reeves We were a small determined group—the 2014 Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba. Our oldest was Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) member Judy Geer from Santa [...] Continue Reading

Water is Everybody’s Business

By Stan Santos (Author’s note: This article is based on research done in July 2014 and presented in the Spanish language section of the August Community Alliance.) In September 2013, a nonprofit [...] Continue Reading

A Broken Home

By Simone Cranston-Rhodes In July of this year, a tenant in Fresno woke up to a ceiling partially caving in. This was caused by a leaking swamp-cooler and inflicted injury to the tenant. At this [...] Continue Reading

“CARA: Who Are We?”

By Gene Roza CARA (California Alliance for Retired Americans): Who are we? We are not the AARP, although many of us belong to the AARP. CARA is a statewide organization that unites retired workers [...] Continue Reading