
By Month

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Waiting for Steinbock

  By: Dennis Caeton Fresh from the pews of St. Paul Newman Center (a Catholic parish) in Fresno, a few weeks before my birthday, I felt compelled to enter the rare air of the Diocese, the [...] Continue Reading

Majority Rule Initiative

By: Gary Lasky "All legislative actions on revenue and budget must be determined by majority vote." The California Democracy Act is a simple 14-word initiative that, if it qualifies for the November [...] Continue Reading

Be the Media

By: Mike Rhodes Do you watch the TV news or read the daily paper and think, “Something’s missing here. Where are the stories about the people I know? Where are stories about the issues that affect me [...] Continue Reading

A Nuke in Fresno’s Stocking?

By: David Weisman He wasn’t wearing a red suit or sporting a full white beard, but Santa Claus did drop into Fresno last December. Adopting the more recognizable form of John Hutson, he stepped from [...] Continue Reading

Yemen: Terrorist Haven, or Chess Piece?

By: Conn Hallinan “The instability in Yemen is a threat to regional stability and even global stability.”— U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “Yemen is a regional and global threat.”—British [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

By: Mike Rhodes Like most Community Alliance readers, I want to believe that our lives in Fresno are improving as we work through the many serious problems that confront us. In the past year, the [...] Continue Reading

One City Distraction After Another

By: Bill Simon The local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) continues working on our request to the federal Department of Justice (DOJ) for a Pattern and Practice Investigation of [...] Continue Reading