By: Liz Rose You may have heard that Comcast, the big cable and Internet company, wants to take over NBC Universal. Why should that matter to you? It matters, especially to people who live in the [...] Continue Reading
Waiting for Steinbock
By: Dennis Caeton Fresh from the pews of St. Paul Newman Center (a Catholic parish) in Fresno, a few weeks before my birthday, I felt compelled to enter the rare air of the Diocese, the [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
Bottom Line By Javier Aguirre In Fresno, the war on the homeless has escalated. Aggressive efforts to eliminate homeless encampments seem to have been approved (and encouraged) at the highest [...] Continue Reading
Majority Rule Initiative
By: Gary Lasky "All legislative actions on revenue and budget must be determined by majority vote." The California Democracy Act is a simple 14-word initiative that, if it qualifies for the November [...] Continue Reading
Be the Media
By: Mike Rhodes Do you watch the TV news or read the daily paper and think, “Something’s missing here. Where are the stories about the people I know? Where are stories about the issues that affect me [...] Continue Reading
A Nuke in Fresno’s Stocking?
By: David Weisman He wasn’t wearing a red suit or sporting a full white beard, but Santa Claus did drop into Fresno last December. Adopting the more recognizable form of John Hutson, he stepped from [...] Continue Reading
Yemen: Terrorist Haven, or Chess Piece?
By: Conn Hallinan “The instability in Yemen is a threat to regional stability and even global stability.”— U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “Yemen is a regional and global threat.”—British [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
By: Mike Rhodes Like most Community Alliance readers, I want to believe that our lives in Fresno are improving as we work through the many serious problems that confront us. In the past year, the [...] Continue Reading
One City Distraction After Another
By: Bill Simon The local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) continues working on our request to the federal Department of Justice (DOJ) for a Pattern and Practice Investigation of [...] Continue Reading
Not Even a Manger for Fresno’s Homeless
By: Nigel Medhurst There is much talk of helping the less fortunate during the holiday season, but that didn’t stop the City of Fresno from issuing an eviction order for a homeless encampment on [...] Continue Reading
Historic Property Owned by Fresno Religious-Based Nonprofit May Be Rescued by Local Taxpayers
By: Dan Waterhouse If the lender agrees, the Fresno Housing Authority will rescue H. Spees’ One By One Leadership property along both sides of historic L Street, a few blocks away from the failed [...] Continue Reading
Modesto Harm Reduction Activists Still Facing Jail
In Modesto, two harm reduction activists, Brian Robinson and Kristy Tribuzio (the “Mono Park 2”), are facing significant sentences from a local court. And this for offering a voluntary service, a [...] Continue Reading