
By Month

By Category

Rally for Immigration Reform

By: Stan Santos On May 1, 2006, I stood on a corner near downtown Fresno and looked east. I was suddenly moved to tears by the sight of a river of humanity flowing down Ventura, formerly Cesar Chavez [...] Continue Reading

Queer Eye

The Coming Out of Senator Ashburn By: Dan Waterhouse Bakersfield state senator Roy Ashburn, who has a deplorable voting record on queer issues, thought he could keep his public life public and his [...] Continue Reading

New Times Coming

By: Moises Lucas Sierra The March 4th Day of Action was a collective of students, faculty, staff and concerned citizens. The objective of the demonstrations was to highlight awareness of the state's [...] Continue Reading

2010 Fresno Film Festival

By: Jefferson Beavers One man risks life in prison to stop a war he helped plan in Vietnam. A novelist and his wife openly spar over the ideal notions of sex, love and commitment. The families of a [...] Continue Reading

What Do Teachers Make?

The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his [...] Continue Reading

Outrage of the Month

By Mike Rhodes Peace Fresno organizers wanted to hold a march on the sidewalk from Roosevelt High school to the Fairgrounds just prior to the March 21 Peace Festival. They were told by the City of [...] Continue Reading

Autocratic Dregs (Abusing Power)

By: Boston Woodard (Editor's note: This is the first article Boston Woodard has sent to the Community Alliance since he was put into solitary confinement in Solano State Prison in July 2009. Since [...] Continue Reading

How to Save Journalism

By John Nichols and Robert W. McChesney (This article appeared in the January 25, 2010, edition of The Nation. The Nation is available at The founders of the American experiment [...] Continue Reading

Speaking Truth to Power

By: Kathy Kelly There is a phrase originating with the peace activism of the American Quaker movement: "Speak Truth to Power." One can hardly speak more directly to power than addressing the [...] Continue Reading