
By Month

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DUI Checkpoints: What’s the Agenda?

  When you think of DUI checkpoints, you might imagine drunken drivers justly being taken off the road. However, a closer look at the actual practices of the Fresno Police Department (FPD) and [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

A Progressive Analysis of the Local Budget Right-wing forces in city and county government are attempting to balance the budget on the backs of poor and working people. They want to do this by [...] Continue Reading

Peace Challenge for Youth

  The Fresno Center for Nonviolence (FCNV) has received a donation made in memory of Kathryn Stephens to again provide mini-grants to several youth groups to work on projects that “makes it [...] Continue Reading

Community Gardens, Chickens and More

It seems like homegrown food production is on the rise in Fresno. People are digging up their lawns and replacing them with vegetable and herb gardens, backyard chicken coops are popping up in many [...] Continue Reading

CREDO: Profiles of Activist Elders

  Lloyd Carter is our “water guy,” our resident expert on the crazy world of Valley (and state) water politics. To spend an hour with Lloyd, as I just did, is to participate in an impassioned [...] Continue Reading

Homeless Evicted With No Place To Go

By Serena Cervantes James Walsh (not his real name), a 38-year-old parolee with gray peppered black hair and a calm demeanor, smokes a “roly” cigarette outside the window of his second-story [...] Continue Reading