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Letters to the Editor – June 2013

Fresno County Jail’s Barbaric Treatment of the Mentally Ill (Editor’s note: These are some of the comments that we received in the first two days following the distribution of our Special Edition, [...] Continue Reading

The Crockford Files – June 2013

By John Crockford GPS “The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the [...] Continue Reading

Free Cell Phones for the Homeless

If you are homeless and living in Fresno (or anywhere in California), you are probably eligible to receive a free cell phone as part of a program run by the state Public Utilities Commission. If you [...] Continue Reading

Rethinking Priorities

By Community Alliance Staff Since 1980, California has built 20 new prisons, and only one new university. It’s time to rethink California’s priorities! Join us as we engage in conversation and [...] Continue Reading

A Gift of Life for Caroline

By Steve Malm It is to the enduring credit of the Community Alliance newspaper that its focus has always been equity, justice, and compassion. It is in that sense we make an appeal for the gift of [...] Continue Reading

Grand Challenges in Science Education

By George B. Kauffman Science magazine, the weekly flagship journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, ran a free special issue (April 19, 2013) featuring “Grand Challenges [...] Continue Reading

That School Board in the Capitol

By Ruth Gadebusch In his latest proposal for school finance, Governor Jerry Brown has again stirred the pot. Such a major portion of the state budget being for education will always keep the pot [...] Continue Reading